chapter eight

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chapter eight

After the show was over I was sunken in a chair backstage. Oh god, this is way too confusing. If Harry doesn't like me, I'm screwed, if he does like me, I'm still screwed. If he likes me then why is he so cocky and rude around me sometimes. Ugh, boys are confusing. Especially hot, adorable, funny, and Harry Styles' type of guys. I'm going to throw myself out of a window if I don't understand this little piece of shit. I walked up to get some water, and look who comes. Speak of the Devil and he comes...I slyly covered my face with hair by flipping my whole hair forward.

''Delilah? Oh god, I knew you were weird, but this is taking it too a whole new level of awkward.'', Harry said, grabbing a cup to get some water also.

''Oh no, you did not just call me weird. I will slice your throat okay? Don't hate, appreciate.'', I said, snapping my fingers in a Z formation as I flip my hair back to normal.

Harry scoffed at me as I put my hands on my hips. This little shit face just loves to play with me doesn't he? I did what any other normal person who was mad at another person would do.. I pounced on him.

''Liam! Get her off of me! Help Liam! This crazy bitch pounced on me!'', Harry screamed as Liam came to pull me off.

''No! Don't you dare touch me, I will pounce on you too Liam. Try me.'' , I said, looking into Liam's eyes harshly as he backed off.

Angela and Jadie came rushing over to Harry and I as they tried to get me off of him. I screamed 'Never!' multiple times as the other boys came to laugh and video tape. Angela and Jadie eventually gave up and decided to video tape also. That's when we heard the clack of a woman's shoes. Oh shit.

''Lou!'', Zayn screamed as I jumped off of Harry and onto the couch and everyone else followed as Harry was laying on the floor grabbing onto his head.

''Harry, get off the floor love. You'll get dirty!'', Lou said as she walked past him normally as if nothing happened.

Fuck yeah, Delilah know's how to throw some punches. Holla bitches.

''That didn't even hurt, Delilah. Nice try.'', Harry mumbled sitting next to me on the couch as I shifted uncomfortably.

''Yeah, explain that bruise on your arm then. Did a squirrel do that to you?'', I asked sarcastically as he shook his head, turning to face the other way.

I whipped out my phone and made a group chat between me, Jadie, Angela, Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Liam. 'Okay okay, soooooooooo i need to tell u guys something' , I sent as everyones phone made a noise except for Harry's. He looked utterly confused but shook it off , as he continued to play on his phone. 'whattttttt' , Louis said as I looked at him and he looked at me with a devious smile, since I'm pretty sure he already knew. ' i like harry oops.' , I sent as everyone looked up from their phones quickly looking at me eyes wide and mouth agape. ' oh my mOTHERFUCKING GOD I KNEW IT I FUCKING KNEW IT' , Zayn texted. 'sjfdgswjdgafogfkgdgfusagffg omg' , Jadie texted. 'oh god i knew this was going 2 happen couldnt even lie', Liam texted, looking up at me with a wide smile. 'bitch i knew it' , Louis said as he threw a paper ball at my head across the couch. ' ofc ofc ofc omg yes yes yES', Angela said as she hugged me.


We all got back to the the hotel we'd be staying at for a few shows, and Louis had an announcement to make. He all wanted us to sit around in a circle on the floor, and to be honest I was utterly nervous. Louis comes up with the craziest idea's and I could not trust him for shit. Seriously.

''Okay, the first thing I have to say is to Harry,'', Louis said exhaling deeply looking at him sympathetically as if someone died, ''Delilah likes you!''

I darted my eyes towards Louis, my face turning red. I was beyond embarrassed and I didn't know what to say or do. Tears brimmed in my eyes as Harry stared blankly at everyone. I scoffed, getting up and storming away as I slammed the door. I sunk down as I started to cry, because I knew Harry wasn't going to like me back. I sat there, pitying myself until I realized. Who cares if he doesn't like me? I like me, and that's all that matters. I got up and walked out, sitting back in my original spot.

"Yes I like you, but I know you won't like me back but you know what I'm fi-"

harry's p.o.v:

I couldn't believe my ears. Delilah actually had a crush on me and I hadn't even noticed. I always liked her but I thought that she'd never actually like me back. I was quite surprised, I didn't want to look too excited even though I'm actually dancing with a banana in my mind of how happy I am. I always dreamed of this day and now its actually happening.

''I um, like you too. But, you were usually so sarcastic and rude I thought you hated me to be honest.'', I muttered as I scratched my head.

''Oh, I used to. Thats when I first met you. You were cocky and mean, but getting to know you for real was actually a pleasant experience.'', Delilah said, smiling nervously as she put some hair behind her ear.

''Awww! I can't hold in these feels I'm going to freaking scream oh my god I can't breathe, someone hold me!", Angela said as she jumped on Liam.

delilah's p.o.v:

''Anyways, what I guess I'm trying to say is, maybe we should go out sometime? Only if you want I mean you don't have to.'', Harry said looking me in the eye blushing a deep crimson.

"I'd love to."

Oh my god someone throw me in a pool of sugar because this is the sweetest thing I've ever heard.


so um yeah thats my chapter x] decided to change it up a bit by putting a harry p.o.v. should i keep doing that orrrr? okay i decided to try one of these.

5 votes for next chapter! (if i dont get 5 ill still post it anyways lol ily guys xx)

-nay xx

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