chapter three

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• • • chapter three • • •

Harry acted like a little bitch cause I didn't wan't to give him a lap dance. Well, I never knew I was an exotic dancer. So I shall not be denied my rights. All of us decided to give truth or dare a break and try... freaking karaoke.

''Okay, I'm up! I wan't.. How to Be a Heart Breaker!'' I requested, as they put the song on their phones, making blast out of the Beats pill. I kind of had a thing for Marina and the Diamonds if you haven't noticed. I began to sing, adrenaline running through me, ''Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun. But baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run. Rule number two, just don't get attached to. Somebody you could lose, so le-let me tell you. This is how to be a heart breaker. Boys they like a little danger. We'll get him falling for a stranger, a player, singing I lo-lo-love you. How to be a heart breaker. Boys they like the look of danger. We'll get him falling for a stranger, a player. Singing I lo-lo-love you. At least I think I do! Cause I lo-lo-lo-love you!''

I was singing it mostly to Harry, circling around him, pointing. But I did give the other boys some celebrity action. Cause face it, that performance, was amazing. The new Katy Perry in the house! After karaoke we had to get ready for the shoot which was exhausting. After work I was tired but so excited. We'd be going on tour! Liam and Zayn dropped me off at my place as I thanked them. I crawled into my pajamas, picking up my puppy Coco. Freaking hell was she annoying at times, but she was oh so adorable. After texting for a bit, I finally fell asleep.


I woke up, looking at the time. Fucking six a.m. I got up from my comfortable warm bed, into the freezing cold civilization. When I mean civilization, I mean my drawer. I made sure everything was in my suitcase and checked the drawer to see if I left something. I then skipped into the bathroom, taking a quick shower. I brushed my teeth, smiling into the mirror. I walked out, changed into some faded skinny jeans, black vans, and a grey baggy sweater. I put my hair into a weird braid as I shrugged and let it be. It was around seven fifty six when I was done. Zayn had called me earlier saying he'd be here at eight. I walked out onto the porch with my stuff to see Zayn and Liam, calling me from their car. I smiled, waving at them. I walked to their car, putting my luggage in their truck, shutting it tightly. I opened the passenger door, opening it, making my way inside the car.

''What's up?'' I chirped cheerfully, I was undeniably excited. Oh shit, I need to text California!

I totally zoned out, whipping out my iPhone, texting ''wassup slut xoxo' and she replied with 'not much, how bout u miss im gonna go on a freaKING TOUR WITH ONE DIRECTION' . Woah, she might be a bit jealous. My thoughts were disturbed by Liam poking my shoulder.

''Liam, stop.'' I asked nicely, and I never ask nicely. It's either listen or get a fork shoved down your throat. Your call on this one.

''Nope.'' Liam replied, smiling sweetly. Shit, I can't resist that smile. It's so gorgeous. Angelic even.

I just gave up, and continued texting California. We finally arrived where the tour bus was. We climbed out Zayn's car and into the bus. Niall, Harry, and Louis were there playing Go-Fish. That seems a bit childish? But then again, I'm more childish than them, so I suppose my arguement is invalid. I looked around the tour bus. This looks better than my own house. These are the times where you feel poor, isn't it? I sat on a chair, plugging in my earbuds. I decided to listen to 'I Need Your Love' by Ellie Goulding. God, I love her. She was my role model. And I do not have a lot of role models. I felt something on my legs. What could that be? I looked up from my phone to see all the boys crowding around me, with childish faces. All except Harry who was texting in a bunk.

''What?'' I asked, as they giggled lightly to themselves, ''You guys wan't to play a game don't you?''

They all nodded as I smiled. I took off my vans, as I asked them if they wanted to play hide and seek.

''Okay, who's counting?'' I asked as everyone looked at eachother, ''Put your foot in.''

''Bubble gum bubble gum, in a dish. How many pieces do you wish?'' It went along like that until it came to the last two people. Liam and Louis.

''Fuck yeah!'' Louis screamed in victory, as Liam was the one chosen to count. He started to count as all of us scrambled to find a good hiding spot. I ran into the bathroom, and closed it, locking it tightly. I crammed myself into the shower only to realize Louis is there.

''Hi.'' Louis whispered, giving me a heart attack.

''Fuck, Louis!'' I whispered, ''you almost gave me a damn heart attack!''

''Shush.'' Louis whispered, as footsteps and screaming were heard outside. Looks like Liam found someone!

We stood there awkwardly.

But hey, he did look sexy. Even when he was smushed up.


writers block. i love you guys tho xx

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