chapter thirteen

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  • Dedicated to Briel and Ninibeth woop

chapter thirteen  

   This pillow seems very, very hard. I looked up to see it wasn't a pillow, but actually Harry's lap. Well, I guess he can be more comfortable. I mean, aren't hot guys supposed to be comfy too? What kind of sick twisted world am I living in where hot guys don't have comfy legs?! I thought about turning my head a bit but honestly.. We all know people would take it the wrong way and make it look like as if I was giving him a blow job. All these people are twisted fucks. 

"Ugh, your lap is very uncomfortable, y'know. I thought it'd be more comfy.", I whined, trying to move my head and get comfy. 

"How am I suppose to know why I'm not comfortable? It's not my fault!", Harry said, putting his hands up in defense. 

"Oh please, I'm pretty sure you'd know your own body.", I murmured giggling into his laps as I moved more trying to get comfortable. 

"Well, obviously I know my own body but... How about you come and take a little tour with me?", Harry said wagging his eyebrows up and down. 

"If that was your attempt to try and seduce me then you failed. Like, awfully failed.", I laughed getting up from his lap. 

   Harry then picked me up as he ran down the hallway with me on his back. I started to scream 'Bloody murder!' down the hall giggling. I pounded on his back, laughing along as he threw me on the bed. He got on top of me, putting all his weight on top of my chest. I started screaming about how he was too fat and would crush me to pieces if he kept on, but obviously he wan'ts a broken girl friend. I tried to get him off me, but lets face it. I have the strength of a twig. Not even a good twig at that. A freaking broken ratty twig that you'd find on the sidewalk dying or something. Like, I'm a girl, what do I look like picking up a guy?

"Ugh get off me. You're killing me right now! God, if I crack, please don't try to put me back together again. I am not Humpty Dumpty.", I giggled as he rolled himself on the other side of the bed, as we heard a loud bang in the room next to us. 

"Whoa there, am I the only one that heard that bang?'', Harry said as he pointed to the wall. I nodded because I heard it too. 

"Wait, who's room is that again?", I asked Harry, "because if its Liam and Angela, I'm pretty sure I know whats going on." 

"Yep, that's there room alright. God, they're so weird. What time is it anyways? It's too early for that kind of noise.", Harry whined as he cuddled into my shoulder.

"I am currently fighting the urge to go in there and throw water at them.", I said to Harry, playing with his curls.

"Actually that's not a bad idea. You get the buckets, meet me in the kitchen, stat.", Harry said, running to the kitchen. 

    I ran to the bathroom, picking up a couple of buckets for sandcastles and such. I ran to the kitchen with four buckets in hand. Two for both of us. We started to fill it up to the brim as we slowly tip toed to Liam and Angela's room. We then prepared ourselves for whats to come. Pun intended if you know what I mean. I crack myself up. Okay, thats it no more funny business lets get this show on the road. I opened the door, closing my eyes as we threw the buckets of water at them. We dropped the empty buckets on the floor as we ran, hearing a distressed, wet, and screaming Angela and Liam in the background. We ran into our room, closing and locking the door. 

"Well, that was funny! We're too cool.", I said, pecking his lips as I laughed at the thought of Liam and Angela. 

   Harry then rolled over ontop of me, kissing my lips hungrily. Well this is odd. But I'm still going to kiss him back, I mean, I can't just leave him hanging. I kissed him back, grabbing onto his neck to pull him forward. He then moved towards my neck. Okay, I know this is wrong, but it feels so good. Okay, okay. You're twenty years old. I'm pretty sure you can lose your virginity al- Oh my god I think I have a hickey now. Oh my god, lord please forgive me for my sins but I'm sure as hell ain't stopping him now. 


    Oh my god, oh my god. Oh my god. I just lost my virginity, what. Oh my god I can't breathe what did I just do I feel so dirty. But, I can't lie to myself he really know's how to please a girl, like damn. After Harry had fallen asleep, I pulled on some pajama's running out of the room. I pulled Angela and Jadie aside as I led them to a small secluded area in the living room. 

   "I don't know how to say this but I'm just going to say this now. IjustlostmyvirginitytoHarry.", I said so fast that they couldn't even comprehend what I just said. 

"Okay, Delilah, you need to slow down. Say it slower this time.", Jadie said trying to calm me down but still dying to here what I have to say. 

"I just lost my virginity... To Harry.", I said as they looked at me eyes wide. They then shook me up, telling me how it was and all that. 

"Okay, guys calm down. I really don't want to talk about it but I will tell you guys one thing," I giggled, pulling in closer so no one else could hear what I was about to say, "I know this is the first I've ever seen but that thing was huge."

"Oh god, you are so weird. But what can I say, anyone would say that!", Angela giggled as she asled me more questions. 

Yup, I'm a total rebel. My mom must be so un-proud of me. 


let me holla at ninibeth. i honestly don't know how she found my wattpad account but she told me to update so holla at u girlllll. peace bitches. -nay


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