chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen

After Angela, Jadie, and I had our little fan girl time, we all decided to gather everyone for a game I'd like to call... Truth or Dare. I know it's all cliche and that, but when I play this game, I go crazy. I'm up for anything. And when it come's to me picking other people's dares? You better motherfucking brace yourself because I go all out.

"Okay, before we play, I decided to bring out a few drinks to spice this game up.", Jadie said bringing out a bottle of tequila and vodka.

"Well, cheer's bitches," I said as everyone took their shots, "you guys ready to play this shit, bitches? Because I'm so ready."

"Okay, first up. Delilah, truth or dare?", Luke said, pointing to me smirking, probably having a good dare up his sleeve.

"I'm not scared, hit me with a dare if you have a good enough one.", I said smiling, with a hint of a smirk playing on my lips.

"I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Harry.", Luke smiled, pointing to the coat closet next to me.

"Game on, motherfucker.", I said as I opened the closet door, Harry and I walking inside, as we looked at everyone else.

"Seven minutes, ready, set, go!," Luke said, slamming the door on our faces, as I heard the beep of a timer going off.

"So, might as well make these seven minutes memorable right?", Harry said smashing his lips into mine as I kissed back.

I grabbed the back of his neck pulling him onto me. I ran my fingers through his hair as he began to take off his shirt. I ran my hands up and down his back, feeling his chest. Damn, Harry, those abs are rock hard. I kissed him more, as he slid his tongue on my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I was slowly about to unzip his jeans until the door bursted open, revealing a red cheeked Harry and an embarrassed me.

"Well, um this is awkward. Haha, um, I can assure you I was not about to suck his d, just sayin'. I don't wan't you guys getting the wrong idea.", I laughed nervously as we sheepishly walked out of the closet.

"Okay, aside from that... next person!", Ashton chirped as he slowly scanned the room, eyeing each of us evilly, "Micheal, I have sadly chosen you."

"Why do all the bad things happen to me?", Micheal muttered under his breath as he awaited his fate.

"Truth or dare, my wonderful companion in crime?", Ashton asked deviously, as a smirk played on his lips.

"Truth! I do not trust you. Especially when it comes to truth or dare.", Micheal said, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Fine. Have you ever recently taken a leak in a swimming pool?", Ashton asked, smiling innocently at Micheal while he awaited his answer.

"Yes.", Micheal said hiding his face in his hands as everyone started to laugh their asses off. No one could believe he actually did that in a pool.

"Babe, I wan't to ask you truth or dare. So, truth or dare?", Harry said sweetly, but I already knew he has something planned.

"I'm going to have to choose dare on this one. It's all a matter of my pride. Also, I wan't to smoke all you bitches in this game.", I said, smiling.

"I dare you to go... streaking down the neighborhood.", Harry said, as I gasped, my eyes wide in shock.

"Whoa there Satan, you might wan't to take it down a notch. Firstly, it's Spring Break, and eleven p.m. There's a fucking party outside if you couldn't tell by the noise!?", I said, pointing to the window, where there was a clear view of a pool party.

I reluctantly gave in, not wanting to look like a wuss in front of these sluts. I went into the bathroom, stripping off my clothes and wrapping myself in a towel. As I walked out the bathroom, we all walked downstairs, where a pool party was happening right around the corner. The dare was to go all around the block, and to make sure I did, they're going to follow me around while I streak.

"Okay, you ready for this babe?", Harry said, as he gave me an encouraging thumbs up. But of course he would, he must find this shit fucking hilarious.

"Three, two, one!", everyone screamed as I let go of the towel, running. I only covered two main parts, my boobs, and my nether regions. My ass can stay out, because it's only a crack.

As I started up the block, people started to take notice and encourage me on wards, following me and taking videos. Fuck, now I have all these crack heads and drunkies following me. I ran a bit faster, picking up my pace.

"Damn baby, move those hands!", some random guy said, as I heard other trashy pick up lines and hollers from behind me.

After about running only half the neighborhood, I had a pretty big group behind me following me. I ran as fast as I could, trying to finish this stupid dare already so I can get back to the hotel, and drink me some water, because damn, all this running is making me tired. After running the whole neighborhood, I arrived back at the front of the hotel, where Angela waited with a towel. I quickly got it, wrapping myself around it as I ran up the stairs, before my 'fans' found out where I was staying. After we all arrived inside, we sat down back in a circle.

"I fucking hate you Harry.", I said, turning away from every ones faces as I blushed a deep crimson, holding back giggles.

"I know I shouldn't say this in front of Harry but," Luke said, looking at me, "I'm not going to lie but you have a nice ass."

"Just going to second that to get Harry pissed off.", Louis said, raising up his hand as if we were all taking a vote. Eventually, everyone had their hands raised.

"Well, let's just say that ass is all mine.", Harry said placing his hand on my ass as I punched his arm playfully.

"Don't give these jerks any information! You know how dirty these assholes can be." I said giggling, resting my head onto his shoulder.

"I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what they understand. Just a suggestion.", Harry said winking.

"Okay, enough of this lovey dovey shit, let's get this show on the road, bitches.", Jadie said, cracking her knuckles deviously.

After another handful of dares and truths, some cute, some crazy, and some downright diry as hell, we all knocked out on the couch, watching a scary movie. Harry pecked me on the lips, afterwards giving me a small peck on the forehead as we slowly drifted to sleep on the couch, along with everyone else. We were all tired and exhausted, but this game was so much fun. But I think we all grew closer as friends today.

I'm so fucking sentimental, aren't I!?


decided to use the song from Spring breakers because i'm having a huge obsession with them right now like i frickin love that movie liek tahsjgajg uyt jzsrazuy k damn -nay

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