chapter seventeen

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chapter seventeen [updated on my ipod so excuse the mistakes! xx ]

Everyone woke up early for another day at the beach. Well, Angela had to stay home because well, you know, pregnant.. We were all really pumped up and could not wait! I put on my usual neon green bikini, but decided to change up the bottom by putting on a bottom with neon palm trees and such. I put on some pink shorts, my bleached vans, my neon yellow shades, and a neon SnapBack. Everyone piled into the car as we started singing 'West Coast' by The Neighbourhood on the way there. The hair glided through my hair, as I breathed in the smell of the ocean. I felt like one of those Tumblr girls you find on, well, Tumblr. The sun was shining, adrenaline was still running through my veins from the previous concert, and I swear to god I felt the beach calling my name. I couldn't wait to party my ass of like the other time, except this would be a beach, and not a pool and the hotel. Hopefully, there wouldn't be police this time, because last time was a close one, and yeah. 

"Me, I'm from a different type of left land, oh Wild West land, nose bleeds, palm trees, and tumble weeds rustling", I sang, "outside they say it's happy here but it's depressing, too many pretty faces catchin' my attention."

Everyone started to sing along and as the chorus came on we all sang, "I'm so west coast! It's a god damn shame! I'm so west coast it's a god damn shame!"

As we all piled out the car, the warm sun, a DJ, and thousand of people greeted us as we made our way towards the sand. I grabbed Jadie's arm, as we made our way through the crowd. Jadie and I managed to make it to the front of a stage where some rapper was rapping. We laughed along, swaying to the music, taking sips from our red plastic cups. The DJ pumped up the music as we swayed and laughed, having the best time of our lives. The song was awesome, dubstep all the way! I do wish Angela was here though, but you know, when that little mini Angela or Liam comes along, we're not going to be partying much. 

"I ain't got no worries!", we yelled, tossing our cups into the air giggling.

We hung out near the shore, singing and dancing and giggling. Obviously we had lost everyone else so we just hung out near the water sucking on Bomb pops. I told Jadie I was going to go use the bathroom, well, if I could find it and to come with me just incase. We found a somewhat decent bathroom, but Jadie stayed near the sand, watching some people play beer pong. After I finished using the bathroom, some guy came up to me.

"Damn babe, can I get a peak on what's under that bikini top?", the unknown guy said.

"How about no? Loser..", I said going to meet back up with Jadie.

"Well, bitch, you listen to me. You're gonna fucking do what I say.", the guy said, grabbing my wrist tightly, taking a puff of his joint.

"I'll fucking punch you and steal your Jordan's, prick!", I said trying to get out of his grasp.

He then pushed me up against a wall, rubbing his hands up and down my thighs. I whimpered, trying to get out of his grasp. His breath smells like weed and alcohol and I swear to god, I feel like I'm going to throw up. He rubbed up inside my sides, as I started to panic. Oh god, I'm having a fucking panic attack. Breathe in, breathe out. But it was no use. Tears started pouring out like crazy and I couldn't breathe and I swear I was about to faint. That's when someone tapped the guy on the shoulder.

"Hey mister? Don't try and fuck my mates girlfriend.", Calum said, punching him in the face.

I collapsed onto the floor, gasping for breath. I put my hand over my chest, trying to stop the tears from pouring. Calum held me in a hug, trying to calm me down as he ran his fingers through my hair. I tried to get up, but I was too shocked to do anything. I still couldn't breathe, and the tears were still pouring. Instead, Calum just picked me up and went to search for Harry. He found him, drinking with the other boys, but after he saw the state I was in, he dropped his drink and ran towards me.

"Oh my god, Del, baby are you okay?", Harry said taking me from Calum's arms.

"I can't breathe Harry, and I'm scared.", I muttered sniffling, trying to calm myself down.

"Sh, babe, it's okay. Calm down, everything's gonna be okay.", Harry said rubbing circles in my back.

"Oh hell no, who did this to Del?", Louis said, standing up.

"I happen to know where he still is, so if you guys are in, we'll beat his ass.", Calum said as the rest of the boys set out to find him.

After I finally calmed down, I stayed with Harry the rest of the time there. I'm actually relieved he didn't go past touching my thighs because honestly, I'd be traumatized for life. As everyone sat on the shore, we watched the sun set. I turned my face towards everyone around me, and how happy we all were. I started to tear up a bit. I've never been so happy, this was the funnest thing I've ever done and I'm doing it all with the people I love. I turned towards Harry and pecked his lips, laying my head on his shoulder.

Honestly, I've never been happier.

[if this is short I'm sorry I updated on my iPod! I'll probably edit it and make it longer on my iPod tomorrow.]

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