chapter eighteen

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chapter e i g h t e e n

   I surprisingly woke up in my bed. I didn't really remember everything because after that little 'sentimental moment' yesterday I got drunk off my ass. And I may or may not have fell in into some pools or two. I then realized I was naked. I also realized I was next to Harry, so I guess that explains alot. All these memories came flushing into my head as I groaned. I turned to look at Harry, who was sleeping his ass off. 

"Babe, baby, Harry, wake up...", I mumbled softly, shaking his arms and torso as I tried to wake him up. 

"Mhm..", Harry mumbled, as I kept shaking him, " 'm up, 'm up." 

"If you don't wake up, I'm just going to sadly shower alone, in the bathroom, naked, and y'know, wet.", I said, trying to sound as seductive as possible. 

"Ugh, you're such a loser. I'll meet you in there, wait up, wait up.", Harry said, stretching, and waking himself up. 

I delightfully skipped over to the bathroom, we had to get ready for another concert today. Oh my god wait, we have to get ready for another concert today! I slammed the door open, startling Harry as he fell of the bed. I opened our door, slamming it also. I ran to the stairs, and accidentally slipping, which resulted in my falling down the stairs. I shot up from the floor, scrambling to the kitchen. I turned on the stereo, and put random song, and turned the volume on high. I then grabbed pots and pans and ran up the stairs. I opened each and every door, banging on the pots.

"Wake up sluts! We're going to be late, and if we're late I swear to god, I'm throwing you all down the stairs!", I yelled, as I banged the pots louder. 

"I'm fucking up!", Louis screamed, walking out the door to go to the bathroom and get ready for the day. 

Everyone else started to trudge to the bathrooms and get ready. I walked back to my room where Harry awaited me in the bathroom. I took off my clothes and jumped in, washing myself. After about fifteen minutes, I walked out, wrapped a towel around myself, and brushed my teeth. I walked to the room and picked out the outfit for the day. I put on a grey t-shirt that said ' Breakfast coffee pancakes', some shorts, and blackflats. I decided against redoing my hair and put it into a messy bun, and put on a thin layer of makeup. I grabbed my brown clutch, and my shades. I met everyone downstairs as we made our way to the studio. 

"Okay, finally you're here. Let's get this show on the road, shall we?", Lou said, engulfing me in a hug as we quickly got to work. 

"Okay, so who's first?"


I watched the show from backstage, silently cheering the boys on, and trying to look normal in front of everyone. I grabbed Angela's hand, squeezing it tightly. I couldn't believe she's pregnant! I cannot wait to meet that little bundle of joy. He'll be such a fashionable looking baby. I mean, look at all of us? Our style is too Madonna for these peasants. Oh what am I kidding. At home we look like a bunch of sluts and rats. 

"Del, what would you do if you were pregnant?", Angela asked me, seriously, which meant she meant business. 

Baby? Do I look like I'm ready for a baby? I'll probably drop the thing in the first minute oh my god I will never be capable of taking care of her baby. Let's face it, that baby will probably have more knowledge than I do. 

"Um, I don't know, I've never actually put much thought about it before.", I said, trying to sound as helpful as possible. 

"That really isn't much help, Del.", Angela giggled. Mission objective: Failed.

"Well, you should already know, I'm never really that much help.", I said, fumbling with my fingers, as the boys came back from singing their last song. 

"Hi babe.", Harry said, coming to give me a peck on the lips. 

"Cuffing pictures!", Angela squealed, fumbling through my purse for my phone. 

"Babe, what's a cuffing picture? Is it like slang for mugshot or something?", Harry asked as he scratched his head. 

"Angela told me that it's some thing they do here in America where they take pictures of couples.", I explained, as Harry caught on.

Harry and I posed, the first picture of us hugging. The second one of us kissing, and the third one him picking me up, and kissing me. When we were done, Angela edited it a bit and finally showed me. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen! I put it as my lock and home screen, and sent it to Harry. Once he got it, he stared at it in awe, and started to blush. 

"This?... Is now my lockscreen, and homescreen.", Harry said smiling, tapping away on his iPhone, as I laughed. 

"What's with all the pictures?", Niall said, sitting down next to Jadie who was sleeping. She's been very quiet lately. I really need to start hanging out with her more. 

"Just some pictures, y'know the norm.", I smiled, as he stuck his tounge out at me. 

Supposedly the boys had a meet and greet, and I couldn't wait to meet all the fans! Harry and I hadn't gone out public yet. I mean, it's only been like two months. But Calum told me that Harry had been planning to go out public tomorrow. I was really nervous, I mean, Directioners can be a bit mean, but you've got to love them. They leak everything so fast, you don't even know how they do it. 

As we all went home, all I could think of was of Harry and I coming public. I mean, what if they send me hate? Actually, fuck what if's. know they're going to send me hate. I should talk to Harry, but he seem's really excited about this whole coming out public thing. 

And I really shouldn't ruin this for him.. can I?

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