chapter twenty two

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chapter t w e n t y t w o

    I woke up in Micheal and Calum's room, my head pounding. My eyes were red and puffy as I looked at myself with the mirror on the back of my phone case. I looked to my right to see everyone had left from the looks of it. They probably called in sick for me or something. Well, at least I hope they did, because this job pays really fucking well. I got up from Micheal's messy bed in which he had let me sleep in. I walked outside the room, making sure that everyone was actually gone. I bounded up the stairs to my room, to get some clothes hoping Harry wouldn't be there. But, of course he wouldn't be there. He has a show today. 

   I opened the door, to see everything all dirty and broken. Every drawer either is thrown on the ground, or rummaged through. There was broken glass everywhere, from vases and frames being thrown around. I picked one up to realize it was one of Harry and I's selfies he printed out for me as a surprise. I giggled at the thought of that day. It was wrapped in fetus One Direction wrapping paper and I had glared at him, questioning the contents inside it. 

"Oh god, he's such a dickhead.", I muttered, putting the broken and shattered frame back onto my nightstand.

"Yeah well, of course I am, right?", someone said behind me as I swiveled around to see a distraught looking Harry walking towards me.

"Don't fucking touch me okay? Don't touch me or else.", I said, walking backwards,hitting the wall, as I glared at him. 

"Or what? You're going to call your new boyfriend Luke?! I always fucking knew you two had a thing." , Harry yelled, inching closer as I sunk down to the floor scared.

"Well maybe if you didn't make out with a stripper everything would be fucking okay, damnit!", I yelled, surprised at the sudden surge of courage.

   He slowly walked towards me, face showing rage and sadness. I got up from the wall, not afraid of him anymore. Harry stared at me with cold dark eyes and ice and cruelness in his voice. "Don't fucking talk to me like that.", Harry muttered stepping even closer. I swallowed hard, as he inched closer. I tried to take a step back but right behind me was a fucking wall. Harry looked at me hard, as I pushed him back.

"Get away from me already. Stop trying to intimidate me, because frankly you fucking aren't!", I yelled, tears starting to sting at my eyes. 

"I'm not intimidating? Oh please babe, I will be now.", Harry said, pushing me, getting harder with each push, until I neared the wall. 

   I slapped him, in an attempt to try and free myself, but suddenly, instead of getting mad, he slapped me back. Right across the face. I held my cheek, my face stinging, as tears formed in my eyes. I collapsed onto the floor, starting to panic as I gasped for breath. I heard the door downstairs, and laughs and giggles as they bounded up the stairs. They all came into Harry's room laughing, but stopped once they saw me. 

"Harry, what the hell did you fucking do to Delilah?", Angela yelled, running towards me to help me up, as the boys shot Harry a glare. 

"What is wrong with you?", Luke yelled, as the boys tried to hold him back saying 'Stop Luke' or 'Its not worth it'.

"Me? What's wrong with me? Mate, I think you need to take a god damn reality check because I think there's more wrong with you than me.", Harry said, pushing Luke back. 

"You don't even deserve Delilah yet she sticks by you through thick and thin. Honestly, I don't even know why she tries.", Luke spat, shoving Harry back.

    Harry's face got red, filled with anger and disgust. Harry charged towards Luke, punching him square in the jaw. Luke fell back, getting up, and touching his bloody lip. He got up, and punched Harry, and that continued on as the boys tried to separate the two. I couldn't stand to see everyone like this as I got out from Angela and Jadie's grasp and ran. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs and out the door. I had to go somewhere, anywhere. Just away from here. I turned around to see everyone sprinting after me. I sighed, deciding not to put up a fight anymore. I was physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. I could not do this anymore, it was getting tiring.

 "You can't keep hiding from your problems Del, it's not how the world works.", Ashton sighed trying to hug me as I flinched back. 

     I gulped hard as Luke came towards us, and I held back a sob. He was a bit bruised up, still blood stains on his shirt. I ran towards him egngulfing him in a hug as I muttered how sorry I am about this whole situation. He just nodded, kissing my forehead, and rubbing my back. I know it isn't right. I know it's not right to toy with Luke's feelings like this, but I have to. I need to know if I can have something with Luke. I need to realize what I have and what I need.

     Everyone joined in on the hug, and I laughed at everyones awkward attempt to wrap their arms around one another. Eeveryone seperated, smiling widely at eachother. Luke walked towards me, and shot a smile at everyone else, as they gave him a slight thumbs up. Luke grasped my arm squeezing it tightly.

"I know, that I shouldn't say this now, but I need to before I chicken out again. So Delilah, will you be my girlfriend?", Luke asked smiling shyly, awaiting my answer desperately, as everyone blushed and cooed, saying 'aww' or 'how adorable'.

Shit, now I'm definitely fucking screwed. 

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