chapter nine

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chapter n i n e

Angela and Jadie ran into me, giving me a huge hug. I laughed as I stood awkwardly not really knowing what to do . Harry then stood up, chuckling to himself, as I crashed myself into him, hugging him tightly. I clung onto him like a magnet. Well, Harry was a chick magnet. But he better turn the chick magnet off because if I ever see him with another chick.. let's just say, that girl is done for.

''Oh god, I didn't even imagine myself going out with you Harry. Honestly, I thought I'd hate you forever.'', I laughed letting go of him.

''I think I predicted it. I was praying for this day to happen for a while now actually.'', Harry admitted, laughing as as everyone around us sat, looking at us and gushing. They're total weirdos but they're my weirdos.

I mean, look at me, I'm already a weirdo.

''Harry, if we end up going out we're probably going to be a weird couple. I mean look at us, we're already weird as it is." I said, smiling.

''I honestly don't fucking care, as long as I have a chance with you I'm alright." Harry blushed,  as I giggled.

''Yep, officially turned on when you curse.'', I joked as he wagged his eyebrows at me, as everyone stared.

''Oh please, this is what you wanted and this is what you get. No takesies backsies!'', I said, shoving my finger in everyone's face so they got the point.

''Oh god, why did I even allow this'', Louis groaned, slapping his hands on his eyes as everyone laughed, ''oh god, I think I'm about to throw up.

Yep, we've officially disgusted everyone with our lovey dovey stage. The rest of the boys, Luke, Micheal, Ashton, and Calum walked in as they quickly groaned.

''These two finally hit it off, didn't they?'', Luke mumbled, going to the kitchen for something to eat.

''Hell yeah they did..'', Angela and Jadie said in unision as they laughed it off afterwards, high fiving as they kept on laughing.

Gotta love these shit faces, I mean, they're perfect.


sorry for the short chapter, I'll make it up to you tomorrow with a long chapter, i swear!

nay xx

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