chapter sixteen

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chapter sixteen

I woke up with dry spit near my mouth, as I flipped over my slightly drenched pillow. Why do I always have an abnormal ability to produce huge quantities of drool? I mean, like, how is that even possible. Sometimes I think I'm half dog, because I produce buckets of saliva. I turned around, shrugging Harry awake. Well, I tried to. He didn't even budge, and I kept shaking him. Honestly, I didn't want to do this but, when people don't wake up when I ask them to, may Hell take place.

I ran down the stairs, slipping on a few, as I finally reached the kitchen. I took some of the sand buckets we kept under the sink, and filled up two of them. I made sure the water was extremely cold, because if it's warm, what's the point? I staggered up the stairs, tip toeing, as I turned the corner, into Harry and I's room. I slowly opened the door, making sure Harry was still asleep, as I smirked, getting ready for the best prank ever. I counted backwards from three, and threw the cold water all over Harry. He screamed, jolting up from the bed.

"Oh my god, I am freezing! Babe. why'd you do that for?", Harry said, pouting, knowing I couldn't resist him when he did that.

"Hm, probably because of this.", I said, smashing my lips into his, as he took the chance to throw me on the drenched bed.

"Harry! Why'd you do that for? Now I'm all wet!", I squealed, trying to get off the bed but he held me down.

"Mm, that's what she said, y'know.", Harry said, and I'm pretty sure you can tell where that went from there.


I walked to the living room where Angela and Jadie awaited me. They looked at me with bright eyes and happy faces as I raised an eyebrow.

"Um, what's with all the happiness radiating off you guys, it's too early for that.", I said, plopping down in the middle of the couch.

"Well, I have some really great news. I mean, like, this news will blow your mind away.", Angela said, latching onto my arm.

"They're making Taco Bell in the UK now!?", I yelled, with a huge grin on my face. Finally, my obsession with taco's can continue in the UK.

"Um, no. But, this news is even better. I'm pregnant!", Angela giggled, as I gasped, giving her a huge hug.

"Liam knows, right? I mean, I wouldn't want to be in the awkward situation where he doesn't know.", I said, looking at her as my lips turned into a fine line.

"Well, um, duh! Of course he'd know. It's his child anyways.", Angela said in a of-course-what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you tone.

"Well, excuse me for just checking!", I said, putting my hands up in defense, as everyone started to laugh.

Harry then walked down the stairs, still wrapped in the drenched blanket, yawning cutely. He is so adorable, he looks just like a baby kitten. He smiled at me, as I blushed. Oh god, even looking at him makes me feel all fuzzy inside. How did I even get him? I don't really deserve this kind of wonderful life. Oh Lord, I just want to give thanks to this wonderful life of mines, and thanks to taco's and whatnot.

But sadly that moment was ruined when Ashton, Luke, Micheal, Calum, Louis, and Niall came racing down the stairs, knocking me over. I screamed 'Bloody Murder!' as I grabbed one of the boys' legs, making them trip. I hadn't realized who it was when I realized it was Micheal.

"No! Let me go! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!", Micheal screamed, banging his hands on the floor in emphasis.

"Oh no, you knock me down, I knock you down.. into Hell." , I said laughing deviously, or to be more exact, like a dying goat.

"Please, the evil witch of the west, please let me go.", Micheal said, trying to crawl away, but I adjusted my grip on his leg.

That is until, he yanked his leg, getting up and running. I bounced up from the floor, chasing after him. I flew onto his back, grabbing onto his hair and shirt. He lost his balance, spinning around and banging onto the walls. I yanked his hair harder, as he let out a yelp, trying to pry me off of him. He tried to pull me off, but I pinched him, as he ran into Ashton, and as we were all about to fall, Ashton grabbed onto Louis, and Louis grabbed onto Harry, and we all fell, due to everyone else's attempt to save themselves.

"Oh god, why would you grab onto Ashton, Micheal?!", I said, rubbing my forehead, where I fell onto the floor.

"This wouldn't have happened if you would've just let me go!", Micheal grumbled, rubbing his knee where he had scraped it.

"No one told you to knock me down, so technically, this whole disaster is all your fault.", I said crossing my arms.

"Hey, what's with all the noise down he-", Zayn started, walking down the stairs, "why are there several bodies sprawled on the floor.."

"Long story.", Luke said, his face planted hard against the floor where he fell, hopefully he's alright because with that position he's in? Ouch.

This is why, we do not play with other people, guys. I thought you'd know that already.

After we all recovered, we all decided to chill on the couch. And the definition of chill for me is make out with Harry. Everyone ended up being disgusted and retreated to the kitchen to do what ever the hell they'd do in a kitchen. I know this sounds weird but Harry's lips taste like chocolate, and that is not because I love him. It's probably because he was eating my chocolate I left in the refrigerator. Wait a minute, I have chocolate in the refrigerater! But, chocolate can wait.

Because all I want is the taste Harry's lips allow. Yep, I just used an Ed Sheeran song lyric.

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