chapter six

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• • • chapter six • • •

I was laying on the couch, silently texting California, just minding my own business when Harry sits down next to me. I scoffed, as I scooted over a bit next to Luke. Harry glared at me as I snuggled into Luke, while at the same time getting a positive response by Luke also. I continued to text as Harry shifted my legs into his lap playing with my toes. Harry, is such a weirdo I swear.. Before I can think anything, he snatched my phone from my hands running away like a little kid.

''You little shit, I swear to god if you don't give me my phone, I'll slit your throat in your sleep.'', I said to Harry, as I tip toed, trying to reach for my phone.

''Nope, I'm good.'', Harry smiles, as he laughs at my suffering. He thinks its a joke! Well it won't be when I cut off all of his hair.

''You fucker! I swear to god, I will cut off all your hair! Try me, you ass hole!'', I screamed as everyone turned to face me in the bus.

Jadie walked towards Harry and I, swiftly grabbing back my phone and returning it to me. Fuck, she was tall. I was standing at a short, 5'1 where she was standing at 5'7. I thanked Jadie as she gave me back my phone. I stuck my tongue out at him as I showed him my precious phone in my hand. There was a knock on the tour bus door as Liam hurriedly went to get the door. But, I thought the bus was moving already? Guess not. A girl squealed, jumping into Liam's arm. Well butter me up and call me a biscuit, Liam has a girlfriend!

"My oh my, Liam Payne has a motherfucking girlfriend!", I squealed in delight.

"Well, my names Angela, and I'm Liam's girlfriend.", Angela said shyly.

"Girl, you ain't need to be shy we all best friends here and shit!", I said trying to crack a joke as she laughed in response.

Yeah. I can tell a joke alright.

The rest of the night went on as I looked at everyone cuddling. Niall and Jadie, Angela and Liam, Luke and Ashton. The list could go on and on.

"Oh okay I guess it's make Delilah feel left out on the cuddle fest okay.", I said plopping myself on the floor.

"You can join me?", Louis said motioning myself towards him.

"Wait let me text someone real quick.", I said whipping out my phone.

I looked for California's number as I quickly typed my message. 'IM ABOUT TO CUDDLE WITH LOUIS TOMLINSON HOW ABOUT U FHSHGAJA'. I pressed send as I immediately got a response back. 'well um im cuddling with my dog but yOU LUCKY ASS BITCH'. I smiled putting my phone back into my pocket. I quickly jumped into the couch with Louis as I cuddled into his chest. Harry quickly pinched Louis' leg as he let out a yelp.

"Louis, room, now.", Harry said as Louis followed him.

They came back and Louis smiled at me sitting next to me. No more cuddling? Well shit okay.

"Now I don't have a cuddle buddy!", I yelled, crossing my arms.

Harry quickly took this offer to jump on me and hug me tightly.

"Harry! Oh my god stop!", I giggled trying to get him off me.

"But, you wanted a cuddle buddy!?", Harry frowned.

"Fine fine, we'll cuddle!", I said snuggling into his chest.

I didn't want to admit this but, Harry has some rock hard abs I can't even deal with okay. How can a human being even comprehend the very existence of these abs? Because I sure as hell cannot! I whipped out my phone, made sure I wasn't in an angle where Harry could see me, and texted California. 'so um I decided to cuddle wit hery stilez if u know what i mean hhehuehe', I texted California. I can already feel her rolling of the eyes through my iPhone screen. 'bitch.', was her reply to my text as I gasped loudly. Everyone shot their eyes at me as I mumbled a quick "Sorry" and continued my attention back to my phone. Since I have the shortest attention span of a goldfish, I didn't notice Harry peaking over my shoulder reading my conversation.

"So I'm uh, hot, yeah?", Harry said as I quickly locked my phone scratching my head in fake disbelief.

"Whaaaaaat?", I said, enhancing the 'a' a little bit, "you? Hot? Psht, yeah right."

"Well, it said on your phone that I was 'frigging hot' and that you 'couldn't comprehend how anyone could even stand while feeling those abs'.", Harry said as the whole bus started to chuckle and giggle at the scene.

"All of you better shush because I didn't even say that!", I said trying to play it off.

"Oh really?", Zayn said walking towards me as he quickly grabbed my phone.

Zayn guessed my password correctly as he looked through my text messages, reading them aloud in a girly high pitched voice. Well, this is what I get for having my pass code '1234'...

"I did not say that! Those are lies I tell you! Lies!", I screamed covering my face in embarrassment.

"Looks like Del has a crush on Harry here, doesn't she!", Micheal cooed, as I blushed a deeper crimson.

"Delilah's feeling the heat isn't she!?", Zayn joked as I threw a pillow at him.

As the horrible experience ended everyone started cooing and cat calling as I covered my face with my hands. I was still cuddling a bit into Harry without even noticing it.

"Oh god this is so embarrassing.", I said blushing.


"Lana Del hey, muchachos!", I said, spreading cheer to this wonderful morning.

"Bitch, go back to sleep.", Calum muttered as he shifted in his bunk.

"Well hey now muchacho, that's no way to talk to a female!", I said cheerfully.

"Do you want me to slit your throat?", Ashton said shooting me glares.

"Bitch I dare you.", I said giving him a cruel stare as he put his hands up in defense.

Ugh, these peasants are all sleepy. I shall do them a favor and sing my beautiful voice of an angel for them...

"Midnight memories! Oh oh oh, baby you and me,stumbling in the street. Singin', singin', singin", I sang as everyone groaned in despair.

"You can't sing!", someone yelled.

"Well excuse me then you jerks.", I said feeling hurt.

Well, looks like I'm too Madonna for these peasants.

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