chapter twenty one

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chapter t w e n t y o n e

    I downed another shot, as adrenaline coursed through my veins. I never felt so pumped up in my life. Luckily Jadie was there to keep everyone intact. I leaned over towards her, taking a sip of my drink, as I hugged her, telling her how important she was to me. Jadie sighed, obviously sick of this nasty environment, and taking care of everyone. I sat on a chair, near the stage, but not too close, and rested my eyes for a moment. My head was pounding, and I swear, it was getting hot and stuffy in here. Something... isn't right. 

   I looked towards my right, and Harry was talking to one of the dancers. My head pounded again, as I forced in a breath, trying to calm myself down. I looked at him again, he had one of his hands on her bum, and anger boiled inside of me. Okay, maybe I'm just over reacting. Harry's probably just, talking to her. I mean, everyone puts hands on people's bum's, right?! I casually looked away, trying to shake the thought from my head. But, I knew this wasn't going to end well. I looked over again, and the girl smashed his lips into his, and Harry sure as hell wasn't stopping her. Harry looked over at me for a split second and continued, still not caring I was there.

"Oh hell no.", I murmered, getting up and walking over to Luke, who was near Harry, not too close, but not too far, just in eye sight. 

"Hey Delilah, what's got you all hyped up for?", Luke said, as I held back tears, trying not to look sad, even though I was probably going to break down any second. 

"This.", I said, smashing my lips into Luke's. Of course he didn't stop me, he actually grabbed me by my waist and pulled me forward. 

   I diverted my eyesight a little to see Harry glaring at us. I smirked, running my fingers through Luke's hair, pushing him back slightly on a  little table so I could lean on him. I grinded a bit, as Harry fumed, pacing back and forth a bit, as the stripper continued to try and get his attention. I knew that I had succeeded in giving him a taste of his own medicine. Also, I had to say, Luke definitely was a good kisser. But, it was weird how he still didn't ask why we were kissing. Meh, he was probably way too tipsy to notice. I looked directly at Harry as I bit Luke's lip, as Harry looked like he was about to explode. 

  Harry stormed over, saying "What the hell is wrong with you Delilah, you're cheating on me, with Luke!?" 

"Oh please, now you finally fucking notice me? You were literally making out with a stripper, but suddenly I'm the bad one!?", I yelled, pushing him backwards, "at least Luke decided to pay me some fucking attention."

"Fuck you Delilah. I didn't do anything fucking wrong. God, you're such a bitch.", Harry yelled, grabbing my wrist and pulling me forwards. 

"I'm the bitch? Says the one who made out with a stripper, who probably has fucking herpes. Get yourself fucking checked.", I yelled, trying to escape his grasp. 

"Don't. Fucking. Talk, to me like that!", Harry yelled, pulling me forward as I fell, shattering a few glasses in the process. 

"What is wrong with you?", I said, trying to get up, but he looked at me in horror, and tried to help me, "Don't you ever fucking touch me again.

   I got up, running out of the club, with bleeding hands from the glass. I looked back to see the boys running towards me. I didn't want to see them, not now, I need space. I looked at them pleadingly, and ran. I ran as fast as I ever done in my life. In the proccess I started to cry. Not just a few tears crying, but full on sobbing. My body shook, as I sunk down on a wall. I took out my phone, to see a picture of Harry and I. I unlock my phone, quickly changing the background. I couldn't bare to look at his face. I looked up, to see Luke, sitting next to me breathing heavily. 

"Luke, I'm so sorry I got you into this, I shouldv'e never acted so bitchy, like Harry said.", I said, wiping away my tears, but realized my hands were still bleeding. 

"No, Delilah. You don't know how long I've wanted to kiss you, and I know I shouldn't say this but Delilah I-I", Luke stuttered, "Delilah, I fucking love you!"

  I looked at him, and the tears started coming once again, and I looked at him, with teared filled eyes, and I ran again. I kept running, and running, until I felt as if I was going to pass out. But even with that feeling, I kept pushing myself to run further. Notifications blew up my phone, as I ignored them, probably texts from the boys. The situation got worse as rain started to pour. So now I was cold, wet, and sad. Wow, never knew my life was Tumblr. 

"Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me right now.", I said, trying to hail a cab, and after twenty minutes of trying I finally got one and reached home safely. 

   I trudged up the stairs, not bothering to really take the elevator. All I wanted to do was waste time, and get there as slow as I can because everyone was probably waiting for me up there anyways. I finally reached my floor, as I looked for my key in my purse, finally finding it. I jammed it into the keyhole and opened the door, where everyone sat around, worried, all tear filled and everything. They're eyes shot up, once they heard the door open. 

"Where were you, Delilah? Everyone came home and said that you ran off, and you had me worried sick.", Angela said, running towards me to give me a hug. 

"Can I sleep in one of your rooms, guys? I don't really want to...", I muttered, as everyone agreed, I decided to stay with Calum and Micheal in their room since they had an extra bed. 

But before I could go to sleep, they had to bandage up my bleeding hand and all. I washed up, changing from my cold wet clothes into warm fuzzy pajamas. Supposedly Harry hadn't gotten home yet, but I really didn't care. If he wanted to fuck a stripper, let him be. But he should know that I'm not going to be there when he gets heartbroken or something, or gets herpes. That sickness is on him, and ain't no one gonna help his ass.

As I got to their room, I collapsed on their bed groaning in despair. I could hear Calum and Micheal sighing as they came to comfort me. Let's just say that the rest of the night consisted of sappy movies, popcorn, soda, and a whole lot of tissues and crying. Eventually we all fell asleep in the middle of titanic, on the floor, covered in pizza crumbs and chips. 

Life, you fucking suck dick.


If you or a loved one is a victim of domestic abuse please feel free to call this hotline because no one should ever be a victim of domestic abuse/violence : 800-621-HOPE [4673] . 

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