chapter eleven

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chapter eleven

I woke up, my phone blasting 'Female Robbery'. I was a bit hung over to be honest..I heard screaming and some cries, oh how I love sharing a hotel suite. Five rooms, with people cramped inside. I got up, trying to inspect what that noise was about. Of course, it was Angela screaming at Liam and him trying to calm her down.

''What the hell?", I yelled, grabbing Angela's arm, ripping her off of Liam, to try and calm her down myself before she nearly killed someone.

''Angie, I'm sorry. I-I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing!'', Liam said, as he bit his lip, probably trying not to cry.

''You didn't even think of my feelings last night Liam. That's fucking cold. I don't think I can ever trust you again Liam.'', Angela sniffled, wiping her tears.

That's when Liam started to cry. I swear to god, my heart literally snapped in two. The other boys started to emerging from their slumber. They looked utterly confused, but when they saw Liam crying, they knew exactly what was happening. Angela started to cry, as she ran over to Liam, hugging him tightly. Well, today is a very teenage hormonal morning.


Today we'd be heading to Miami, as we packed some of our stuff from the hotel, dumping it in the tour bus. Oh how I missed this tour bus. It was basically home to a lot of child games.

We had piled in the bus three hours later. Oh how this sunny April morning made me excited to go to Miami. In three days, it would officially be spring break.

"If spring break is anything like 'Spring Breakers', I cannot wait to go to a beach!", I giggled grabbing onto Jadie's arm.


After three days on the tour bus, we arrived at a hotel at St. Pete's. It was completely hectic! The hotel pool was filled to the brim, people were partying in all rooms, spilling onto every balcony. And to add to the chaos, once they saw the tour bus, the crowd had gone even crazier!

"Oh shit, these three weeks are going to be fucking awesome.", I said as we finally managed to get into our hotel rooms.

People were still screaming, trying to catch the boys attention. I grabbed Angela's arm as we both smiled devilishly, changing. I wore a neon green bikini with some pink shorts, some blue sunglasses, and neon Miami Heats SnapBack. I tied on my red vans as Jadie we told the boys we were going outside.

"One of the boys go with them, we can't risk losing one of the girls.", Zayn insisted.

"Meh, I'll do it. It's getting boring here anyways.", Luke said, as he changed into some trunks and a neon T-Shirt with shades.

"Don't be out to late!", Liam yelled at us before we went outside.

"No promises!", I yelled back as Luke threw an arm around both our shoulders as we headed outside.


We were on ground level right in front of the pool. The music was blasting as people were drinking and jumping into the pool.

"If you can hear me, I need you to yell Spring Break! One, two, three..", the DJ yelled as everyone hollered back 'Spring Break'.

I started dancing with Angela to the music, taking sips of my drink also. We giggled and drank as we saw everyone play beer pong, or do Keg stands.

"Hey! You wanna play a round?", a chick smiled as she wanted me to join her in a game of beer pong.

"Oh no, I'm good!", I said smiling as she laughed and encouraged me onwards, "well, maybe one game wouldn't hurt!"

I threw the ping pong ball, making it land in one of the cups as she quickly took a swig of it, people cheering me on. She then threw it back, also landing in a cup, as I laughed taking a drink of it. As the game droned on, we were both left with one cup left. She threw it making it bounce off and into the pool. I picked up a ball, aiming it right into the drink, as I screamed in victory.

The crowd had went wild, as Luke, Jadie, and I walked into one of the hotel rooms that were also partying. It was blasting the song 'Rounds' as people were getting high, jumping on the beds, breaking the washing machine which eventually led to a room filled with bubbles.

"Well, I never thought I'd want to get high but, how about I cross this off my bucket list.", I smirked over the music as I joined a couple of people.


My mind whirled as I giggled and laughed. A guy poured another batch onto a girls stomach as I took another whiff. I giggled and laughed, as the world spinned around me. I got up and into a room filled with soap suds as a dubstep song played in the background. I jumped around playing with the suds and dancing around to the music. I joined in as everyone started to chant "Spring break, spring break, spring break!".

I met up with Luke in the bubbly room, as he was stupid drunk, and Jadie was just high.

"D-Delilah! I've been looking for you all over!", Luke giggled as he grabbed my by my waist pulling me onto him.

I giggled as I led them both to the same group I got high from.

"Came back for more?", a chick with blonde hair winked at me as I sat down next to her, taking a whiff.

I giggled as I saw two chicks making out with each other, drawing a crowd onto them. I took a sip from my red cup filled with cheap beer and vodka. I swear to god I've never partied so much. Luke, Jadie, and I raced down the hotel stairs and towards the pool as we all jumped in. I emerged from under the water, as I screamed enthusiastically, followed by Luke and Jadie doing the same.

But oh was that fun short lived, the cops came because someone tipped them off saying we had narcotics. Luke sobered up as he grabbed Jadie's hand and propped me on his back, running away from the area like others were. That's when cops started noticing and chasing after us. I laughed loudly sticking my middle fingers in the air.

"Spring break, bitches!", I yelled as we kept running trying to get as far away as possible.

Oh how I love Spring Break.

• • •

We arrived back at the hotel room at about five in the morning. Luke unlocked the door to see everyone sitting there arms crossed.

"Where the hell have you guys been?", Harry asked.

"I-I can explain!", I giggled as I collapsed on the floor when I tried to walk towards him.

"Are you high?! Luke what the hell!", Harry yelled picking me up from the ground.

"I-I ran away from the cops, you-y-you owe me, man.", Luke smirked laughing.

"You guys ran away from the cops too?!", Liam asked helping Jadie stand straight.

"Damnit, they're high and drunk! I should've went with them.", Louis muttered crossing his arms.

I laughed, going to give Louis a high five, but I completely collapsed on he floor, laughing and giggling. Today was fun and I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Party all day long, bitches.


sorry if the words are not spelled right. doing this on my ipod so yeah I have no idea how long it is but hopefully it's long!

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