The New Home

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"Let's start off easy- what's your name?" The young woman with purple hair asked.

"Olivia." Her eyes were dry of tears by now, but still held the fear and sadness they had when she was crying.

"Your full name." The dark man in purple robes said, his voice threatening yet almost reassuring.

"O-O-Olivia Merope Gaunt, I think," She stuttered, her brain getting all switched up as she remembered that wasn't her real name.

"You sure about that?" The purple-haired women asked, a slight smirk on her face. Olivia nodded shakily and the smirk fell.

"There's no birth certificate for that name," the man whispered to his partner, who nodded before continuing with the interrogation.

"How about you describe to us what happened last night? After you got off the train?"

"I was looking for Draco," Olivia started, staring intently at her shaking hands, "When Mr. Malfoy grabbed me, and we apparated to the Manor. He-he said something to me about being a little wench and that I would remain in my room to await punishment."

The woman scribbled something down on her notepad. All Olivia could make out was the letters AB in sprawling lettres before they pulled the paper out of her sight. The woman motioned for Olivia to continue.

"So I unpacked my trunk in my room. I heard yelling from somewhere, and I saw Draco go into his room. I called him over and we had an argument, "More scribbling, but Olivia ignored it this time, "I got really mad and started breaking things in my room. Mr. Malfoy then got mad at me, and I knew I was in for it if he caught me. My mind was going everywhere, trying to throw things at him so he wouldn't touch me. When that didn't work, I found my wand and casted a curse at him-"

"What curse was that?" The man asked, and Olivia squirmed in her seat.

"The killing curse," she finally admitted, "Which I know is unforgivable and I shouldn't have done it and-" she started to ramble, but the man cut her off.

"Then why did you? Why did you try to kill the man who raised you?" The auror asked, and Olivia sniffled.

"I didn't want to be punished, not again. He uses these horrible curses so I can't fight back and he- and he-" her throat seemed to close up on her as she dry heaved, her sobs useless without tears.

"What curses did he use? What did he do to you?" The woman pushed, but the man laid a hand on her shoulder to motion her to stop.

"Olivia, do you know what the punishment is for casting magic outside of school?" The man asked calmly, trying to get the scared girl to realise what she was in for.

"Expelled from Hogwarts," Olivia half-sobbed.

"And do you know the punishment for casting the killing curse?" The woman asked, less reassuring by far.

"Lifetime in Azkaban," Olivia's crying increased, and even Kingsley felt sorry for the poor girl. Any wizard knew how horrible the Malfoys were, but beating a child to the point of her being scared for her life? That's a new low.

"I'm sure since it was used in self-defence," The woman whispered to her partner, who nodded but didn't say anything to their interrogated suspect.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Miss. You'll be staying in one of our private cells until your trial tomorrow morning. I'll show you the way," the man in purple robes said, unchaining her from the table and leading her to a private cell reserved for underage suspects.

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