The One Where Snape is Snape

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Three Years Later


"For the hundredth time, I don't know! Please stop bugging me." Hermione Granger growled, trying to focus on her homework as Fred and George sat either side of her on one of the common room sofas.

"But the pranks started in your first year-" Fred started.

"So Kyle and Percy must be in you year." George finished for him.

"Its been three years and you haven't worked it out, let it go." Hermione gave up trying to work and collected her things. "Just accept someone has beaten you." She told them before retreating to her dorm where she knew they couldn't follow.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" A voice asked from next to her when Hermoine dumped her books down on her bed. "You look even more stressed then usual."

"Fred and George are after you again, you know one of these days I'm going to tell them Percy." The curly-haired teen threatened for the fourth time already that year, and they were only a few weeks into the first term.

Persephone Jasper smiled at her friend and shook her head. "You wouldn't, you wouldn't rat me out, you like seeing them beaten just as much as I do. Besides with all the pranks they do they deserve to get something back every now and then."

Hermione glared at the blonde girl but said nothing, knowing she was right. "I suppose if your pranks is the worst thing that happens this year then it wont be too bad. No evil teachers or giant snakes this year please." She said to no one in-particular, almost in a prayer.

"No, this year it will be something worse. Harry attracts trouble and you're his friend, you signed up for this."


"So its two third year boys, that have some kind of grudge against you and are using fake names?" Lee Jordan asked yet again as he walked down the corridor beside the Weasley twins. "How are you sure they're using fake names?"

"Cause we checked the student lists in McGonagall's office last year. There are no students in third year called Percy or Kyle." George answered once again, they had been over this a few times since they had enlisted the help of their best friend.

"And how do you know they're third years?" Lee couldn't seem to get his head around the idea of these two mystery pranksters,

"Because they must have been in first year when the pranks started. Why would they have waited a few years before they began? Come on Lee, we've been through this."

"Why haven't you given up on this yet? Any sane person would have." The smaller boy continued to question them.

"Because the pranks haven't stopped. We need to make them stop somehow, or at least fight back." Fred told him as his twin nodded in agreement.

"Set a trap then, catch them off guard." Lee suggested.

"I knew there was a reason we kept you around!" Georges face lit up at the idea, the cogs began to turn in his head.

"We've been trying to find them when really we should be leading them to us." Ideas very similar to those his brother was thinking filled his brain. It was certain neither of them would be paying much attention in their next class, though to be fair no one did in History of Magic.

Lee rolled his eyes, praying this mystery would be figured out before he had as many grey hairs as Dumbledore.


"At least they've moved on from bugging Ron and Ginny about it."

"This isn't a good thing, what if someone breaks and tells them. Oh my god what if they ask Lavender? She'll tell them anything just for the gossip."

"Calm down Perce, even if they do it wont be the end of the world."

"Are you kidding they'll never leave us alone-"

"Girls!" A sharp yell interrupted Percy and Kyle's frantic whispering. The girls looked up to see the livid face of Severus Snape glaring down at them, the students attention had also been drawn to them, many relieved that Snape had found his victims for this lesson. Potions wasn't the most enjoyable time.

"Yes Professor?" Kyle put on her most innocent smile, Snape was usually less harsh to Slytherin students so she'd probably get off easy. However she couldn't say the same for her Gryffindor best friend.

"Switch seats with Mr Potter, Miss Corlett."

"But Prof-"

"No arguments, Miss Corlett. Switch now, maybe it will stop all four of you from talking and disturbing my lesson."

Kyle took as long as possible to pack up her books, every small movement being accompanied with as much noise as possible. Snape looked on the brink of an aneurysm by the time the Slytherin girl got to her new desk, not without a 'subtle' stumble which didn't go unnoticed even through she had desperately tried to style it out.

Ron Weasley was sat trying to hold in laughter- his face a brighter red then his hair from the effort, Kyle plonked down beside him, not even stopping to breathe before beginning her rant on how she didn't trip but instead slipped on the grease which must have dripped from Snape's head. Unfortunately for Ron that ruined the small amount of control he had over his giggles and a loud burst of laughter exploded from the boy.

And then Snape lost it.

"Ten points from Gryffindor and if you do not stop that atrocious noise now you will be in detention every night for a week."

That shut Ron up pretty quickly and the potions master could finally continue with his teaching.

Over on the other side of the room Harry and Percy sat in an awkward silence, they'd had conversations before but both relied on their more talkative friends to speak when they didn't. Both opened their mouths to say something more then once but neither could think of anything so, eventually, they gave up. Harry turned his attention back to the Professor but didn't take much in, hyper aware of the presence beside him. Percy started doodling on a scrap of parchment, there was no point trying to listen when she'd already missed half of the lesson. She'd never been good at potions anyway.


"So then Snape got mad at me! How is that fair? Percy and Kyle were the ones talking but Harry and I got split up too!" Ron ranted to Hermione as if she hadn't been in the lesson to see it all. She listened her friend carry on talking as they ate lunch in the Great Hall, letting him get it out of his system.

Fred froze just outside the hall as he heard his brother mention the two names that had evaded them for years, he wouldn't have been able to make out the conversation if not for Ron's raised voice. He silently tapped George on shoulder to stop him talking and peered around the door to see Ron and Hermione sat at the end of the Gryffindor table.

"Surely you're not blaming Perce and Kyle for Snape being Snape." Hermione cut into Ron's endless stream of chatter.

George raised an eyebrow at his twin, a small mischievous smile on his face, normally it was impossible to get anyone to talk about the infamous Percy and Kyle. This was a rare opportunity, maybe they wouldn't have to set a trap after all. As they listened intently for more information two girls walked past them and into the hall, they glanced at Fred and George but made no sign of acknowledgement. The red-head went towards the Slytherin table while the blond went to sit with Dean, Seamus and Neville on the Gryffindor table. The twins didn't pay much attention to them then, that was until there was a shout from Ron.

"Percy, Kyle, come here a second."

Both girls froze and looked towards the door where the twins appeared wearing the biggest grins on their faces.

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