The One Where Potter Stinks

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Hagrid was just a little bit surprised when Harry turned up in the forbidden forest trailed by a short, blonde girl. The girl in question had told him that there was no way Harry would be going into that forest to meet Hagrid alone (she'd heard the stories of second year).

So the boy who lived had to agree to be escorted by a girl who would be very little help in a fight, beyond throwing a book at their attacker.

Harry had many years experience of how much hard-back books could hurt when being hit with them. Maybe Percy would be the perfect protector after all.

The girl delivered Harry to Hagrid, who insisted she stay. Whatever he had to show Harry he was very excited about.

Percy agreed to stay but walked a few steps behind the other two, allowing them to talk alone. At times she was amazed by the love they had for each other, it was like watching father and son.

Except of course Hagrid was half giant and Harry was small even by human standards.

"Get under the cloak you two." Hagrid told them both in a hurry when he heard footsteps in the trees nearby. The teenagers had just thrown the cloak of invisibility over themselves when the large figure of the Headmistress of Beauxbatons appeared.

Now Hagrid brushing his hair made sense.


"Dragons?" Harry asked as if he were expecting this to all be a joke.

"I'm surprised Ron didn't tell you, his brother Charlie brought them over." The groundskeeper replied.

Harry made some quiet comment about him and Ron not talking much but Percy wasn't close enough to hear exactly. She had moved away from them, towards the dragons.

The majestic creatures stood proud, their beautiful scales glittering in the light from their flames.

It seemed cruel to keep such creatures in cages.

Then she caught sight of a mop of ginger hair that had hastily been pulled back into a small ponytail. The ends were slightly singed, reminding the girl to keep her distance- dragons are dangerous.

"Hey Charlie!"

Percy closed her mouth, those were the words she had been intending to say but it wasn't her who uttered them.

The girl ducked behind a tree, peaking out to watch as her older brother approached the Weasley boy.

She couldn't hear their conversation but from the looks of it, Charlie wasn't surprised to see the seventh year Durmstrung boy. They must had spoken a lot since last New Years.

Percy didn't notice as Harry approached her until the boy spoke.

"What are you looking at?"

She jumped out of her skin and quickly turns to place a hand over Harry's mouth.

"Shhh... I don't want them to hear us!"

"Who to hear us?" Harry asked as he let himself get pulled behind the tree.

"Charlie and Eli." She pointed over at the two men with a smirk.

"We're spying on your brother?" The messy-haired boy took of his glasses and cleaned them on his jumper before hastily returning them.

Percy shrugged and resumed her previous position, "I don't think of it as spying- its more like... making sure my brother is safe, you know he really shouldn't be wandering through the forbidden forest alone. I just want to be a good sister and make sure he gets back to the castle okay."

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