The One Where Pyjamas are not Acceptable clothing

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"I can't believe they're actually going to kill Buckbeak, just cause you're a wimp." Kyle glared at Draco from across the coffee table. She'd been giving him the cold shoulder since they got back from Christmas a month earlier, that's when it became obvious to her that the charge facing the Hippogriff wasn't going to change. "I mean honestly if you'd just grow some balls alre-"

"That thing attacked me." He shot back, attempting to appear as if he couldn't care less what Kyle thought.

"Because you provoked him!" She was easily agitated when it came to this subject, or Draco in general recently. "Hagrid told you to stay back!"

"Well Hagrid shouldn't be bringing a dangerous creature to class."

"He wasn't dangerous, he let Harry ride him. You're just intolerable even to a animal!"

"Of course he let Saint Pot-"

"Guys maybe you should calm down." Blaise's steady voice cut Draco off, he was the only person besides Kyle in their group who would dare question their 'leader'.

"Yeah well maybe Kayla should stop acting like her whiney little Gryffindor friends, honestly you hang around with that blonde girl too much she's rubbing off on you and frankly its embarrassing." Draco sneered. Kyle's face had lost all expression, how dare he insult her friends infront of her, usually she'd fire straight back but this time she was shocked. She was well aware Malfoy didn't like her friends but he'd never gone so far as to openly insult Percy. Rather quickly Kyle's hurt turned into anger and she lunged forward across the coffee table. Luckily for Draco, Blaise had grabbed Kyle and pulled her backwards just before she could reach him.

"You dick! I wish Buckbeak had actually taken your arm off." Draco had moved back slightly to avoid her hand which was going to grab his shirt collar. "Talk shit about me all you want Malfoy but never, ever, talk shit about my friends." Almost everyone in the common room had stopped what they were doing to scrape into the argument. As for Blaise, he'd loosened his grip on Kyle as soon as Malfoy had started being rude about her friends, he could practically feel the anger radiating off her and he wasn't about to be caught in the cross fire.

"Whatever Kayla. I wouldn't dirty my mouth talking about your stupid friends anyway, bunch of blood traitors if you ask me. Heard Thomas is a mud-blood like Granger which doesn't suprise me. As for Percy-" Malfoy was cut off by Kyle's powerful right hook. The whole common room fell silent, as they all watched in shock.

"Let me guess Malfoy, your father's going to hear about this?" Spoke Kyle in the calmest voice she could manage, all he did was groan from the floor where he was rolling around clutching his face. She simply smiled down at him in mock sympathy and turned on her heel leaving the common room.


"Oh my god, Kyle what on earth happened to your hand?" Asked Hermione as Kyle rushed into the Gryffindor common room, anger evident on her face.

"You're not supposed to be in here this is the Gryffindor-"

"Shut up Micheal!" Hermione and Kyle both cut off the fourth year who threw his hands up in defeat and walked off.

"Stupid Ferret with his stupid 'blood purity' and superiority complex." Kyle took out her anger on the sofa nearest the door, kicking it hard with every word.

The first years who had been sat on it had the good sense to leave pretty quickly.

"What do Malfoy do this time?" She asked, gently guiding Kyle to sit down before she could break anything.

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