The One Where They're Scared

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"Jesus Dad how far up are we?" Ron asked in his squeaky fourteen year old voice that Fred and George were constantly taking the piss out of.

They been climbing for what felt like years. Okay, maybe it only felt so long because Percy was a unfit from doing fuck all for the entire summer. She was trying to hide her heavy breathing.

"Put it this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know." Lucius Malfoy's nasally voice answered him from the level below. All of them turned around to face Mr. Malfoy and his greasy haired son, the prince of Slytherin house himself, Draco Malfoy.

And behind him a red headed girl trying to pretend she was invisible.

"Kyle?" Percy, after catching her breath, went to the edge of the railing and looked down at Kyle. "Draco is the person who invited you?"

"Oh my gosh, really? I hadn't noticed!" Kyle looked over at Draco in mock surprise. "I must have been kidnapped!"

"Don't be a knob, Corlett." She answered, rolling her eyes.

Lucius looked more then a little bit put off by the entire conversation happening before him. In fact he looked mortified at the fact that someone he had invited to the Quidditch World Cup even tolerated the Weasley's.

"We were invited to the ministers box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Piped up Draco with his signature shit-eating grin. His face dropped as his father hit him in the stomach with his cane.

"Don't boast Draco." He sneered at his son. Draco rubbed his stomach as Kyle leaned over and whispered into his ear.

"Harder Daddy." She mumbled, he faced her with a mixture of shock and disgust, as she looked on as if nothing had happened.

However, Lucius had heard Kyle's comment to Draco and suddenly went rigid, he rolled his eyes and carried on speaking at Harry. Draco clocked that his father had heard Kyle, he went red in the face giving her the evils as she tried to hold in a laugh.

"Maybe we'll see you later Kyle." Percy voiced, before quickly adding, "-And you Draco, we could all hang out." With a slight look of sorrow on her face, she hadn't meant to leave him out.

Fred, George and Draco's faces dropped simultaneously horror plastered over them, they all looked as if they'd accidentally seen Snape in a silk bathrobe. The twins accepted that Kyle was friends with Malfoy but they weren't about to hang out with him. Simularly, Draco accepted that Kyle was friends with the Weasley's but he had no intention of associating himself with them.

Instead he awkwardly nodded and attempted to smile, but just ended up looking extremely uncomfortable. Kyle carried on talking with Percy as Harry and Mr. Malfoy had finished their conversation. It was less of a conversation and more of Lucius threatening Harry while the boy stared back at him.

Draco watched Kyle as she smiled and chatted with her best friend, he couldn't help the small smile that crept into his own face at the sight. Then he caught a glance of the look on his fathers face as he eyed them and cleared his throat. "Kayla we need to get to our seats."

Kyle looked between the two Malfoy's as if she'd forgotten about them for a minute, she nodded.

"See you later, babe." She waved to Percy who replied similarly.

"Later, honey."

Draco caught George's eye as they walked away, the knowing look in the younger Weasley twins eye said so much that Draco couldn't.

"What was that about?" Fred asked his twin once they were out of sight of the Malfoy's.

"I think Malfoy Jr. has some humanity in him after all."

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