The One Where Things Start To Change

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Felix may not have been a therapist it he could have been a seer. An hour later Percy and Evie had broken up- even breaking up was even the right term for it, they hadn't officially been dating. They left it on good terms with only a little bit of pain.

Evie had gone to try to make things up with her ex-girlfriend who she was still hung up on. Before she left she'd told Percy to talk to Fred- which obviously wasn't going to happen while he was enjoying his evening with Angelina. So Percy was sat with Harry and Ron sipping pumpkin juice and hating life while the rest of the students danced to the more upbeat music that was being played.

After the Patil twins got annoyed at the boys and made their separate exits Percy had moved between them, resting her head on Harry's shoulder.

"Don't you lot look happy?" A tall ginger boy appeared in front of them seeming far too happy.

"Fuck off, Georgina." Percy muttered. Harry patted her shoulder in what was probably meant to be a comforting gesture- he only appeared awkward.

"Oh don't be sad, my darling. You're letting Ron's angst rub off on you." George couldn't possibly have sounded any more patronising then he did right then.

Ron huffed and folded his arms. That caused George's smile to widen even further.

"Dance with me." He held out his hand to her. The blond girl copied Ron's huff and glared at him.

"Come on, Perce. One dance, if I can't put a smile on your face then you can sulk all you like for the rest of the night."

"Where's your date, Georgie?" She took her head off Harry's shoulder.

He took her hand and pulled her up while he could, she reluctantly followed. "She's gone to the bathroom with two of her friends, they're gonna be a while."

"Have I ever told you I can't dance?" Percy said, in a last ditch effort to escape this.

"This isn't dancing, it's jumping and screaming. I think you can manage." He wasn't having any of it, his grip on her hand stayed tight.

Percy had no choice but to follow him into the crowds surrounding the stage.

"How is this supposed to help me?" Percy asked as George tried his best to get her to dance (basically holding her hands and swaying).

"What?" He shouted back, unable to hear over the music.

Percy raised her voice "How is this supposed-" she cut herself off, George still couldn't hear a thing. "Nevermind!"

"What?" He shouted again.

"I said-"

This could go on for a while.

George apparently realised that too because he shook his head then switched their gentle swaying into violent spinning and jumping. They stood on a grand total of five toes, accidentally slapped three people and fell into two different couples that were trying to dance.

"So, now Evie is out of the picture when are you gonna start dating my brother?" George asked casually when they finally escaped the dance floor to get drinks.

Percy, rather attractively, choked on her drink, shaking her head wildly. She didn't need to talk about this right now and especially not with George. Maybe a joke would throw him off, "I'm not going to start dating Ron so you can forget about that right now."

George rolled his eyes, "No not him."

"Bill then? I don't know, Georgie, I think he's a little old for me."

"Of course not Bill-"

"Charlie then? I don't wanna be the one to break it to you but I'm pretty sure he's gay."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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