The One Where They Visit Hogsmeade

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An uneventful week rolled by and Saturday's Hogsmeade trip came round quickly, the twins and Percy were all awake and in the common room bright and early chatting about what they were going to do once they got there.

A while later they realised that breakfast had started half an hour ago, they'd completely lost track of time. The three made their way down to the great hall to meet Kyle, however they were met with a very much Kyle-less table.

"She's probably just running late, you know Kyle she's never on time." Voiced Perce as they all sat down. The twins nodded along in agreement, Percy knew Kyle better then anyone. Grabbing some cereal and pumpkin juice whilst they waited.

Twenty minutes later and their Slytherin friend was still nowhere to be seen. Percy kept glancing over to the table on the far left of the hall, she could see the familiar platinum blonde hair of Draco Malfoy sitting alongside his friends as they all ate their breakfast.

Percy was having an internal battle over waiting longer for Kyle, or simply asking Draco if he'd seen her. She knew Draco and herself weren't friends, however he seemed to tolerate her so surely he wouldn't mind her asking.

After lots of deep thought and around fifty different scenarios being made up in Percy's head (most of which involved her death) she came to the conclusion that she'd just ask him. Pushing herself up from the Gryffindor table she began the agonisingly long walk to the Slytherin's, not without gracefully tripping over her own feet... Twice.

Stopping in front of the blonde boy and 'casually' clearing her throat Percy was met with two bored grey eyes staring back at her.

"Yes?" Questioned Draco.

Truthfully, Percy hadn't thought this far ahead and so she was left staring back at him with a bewildered look on her face.

"I um-well I was just-you see I was wondering-what I mean is- have you seen Kyle she was supposed to meet me for breakfast?" Percy hurried out, going slightly red in the face, feeling many eyes glaring at her as she waited for a reply.

Malfoy simply stared back raising his eyebrows slightly.

"No, I haven't seen her." His guess was that she'd probably overslept, just like she always does. However, his thoughts were interrupted by the familiar voice of their noisy friend who was speed-walking through the great hall towards the Weasley twins, her plaits had clearly been slept in and her Slytherin scarf was dragging on the floor behind her.

"I'm here! I'm here guys! I overslept, sorry, my bad honestly I mean I was just so tired cause I got another detention last night and I must have slept through my alarm so-"

"It's fine Kyle" Fred was quick to cut off her soon-to-be rant. "But you might want to keep your voice down before you wake up the whole castle." He added with his familiar grin.

Kyle looked slightly offended but mostly annoyed as she lent across the table to swat Fred round the head, which caused laughter to erupt from George, only earning him a knock round the head too.

Satisfied by the pain she had caused, Kyle plonked herself down opposite them, only then noticing the absence of her best friend. She scanned the room, her eyes quickly landing on her small friend who was walking back from the Slytherin table (only tripping once this time).

"Morning Kyle, I was worried you'd overslept so I asked Draco if he'd seen you." She glanced back at the boy in distaste. "He was quite charming, as always."

This statement caused Fred's ears to perk up, surely it was a joke, she could never find Malfoy 'charming', right? His shoulders slightly tensed as he attempted to listen in further while acting like he couldn't care less.

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