The One Where There's Lots Of Chaos

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An endless stream of curses that could make Dumbledore blush were being muttered under the breath of a certain fourth year Slytherin as she tried to find her way through the crowds without the guidance of her friends. It didn't help that most of the people were taller then her and completely blocked her vision.

Then the Death Eaters came into view.

As a child of two pureblood a who were known to have supported He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in the first wizarding war many would think that Kyle was well taught in the Dark Arts.


It was never good to teach a child something that could send said child's parents to Askaban. As a result of the fear of blabbing, Kyle was told very little of the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord.

Seeing them in person was just as terrifying, if not more, then it would have been for anyone else.

Because she knew this would happen.

All summer Oliver and Josephine had been paying more attention to their daughter. Telling her things they would have previously kept secret, introducing her to people she didn't really want to know, keeping her away from the people who were her light.

Slowly, slowly they had began to introduce Kyle to the darker side of the world. One that she'd tried to pretend didn't exist.

Though she didn't know it would happen here and now, she knew something dark was coming.

And deep down she knew that behind one of those masks was the calm, stern, sickeningly beautiful faces of her parents.

Yeah, she was definitely more scared then any other person in that field.

Kyle turned and sprinted, no particular destination in mind. Anywhere away from them would be good.


All Fred could hear were the cries of those around him, the rumble of the dark sky and the beating of his heart as he lunged forward after Percy. He had only taken ten huge steps when he grabbed her around her middle pulling her backwards into his chest, he spun her around and lifted her over his shoulder.

"Fred put me down!" Percy shouted as she hit at his back. "She's my best friend!" She began crying as he tightened his grip around her thighs.

The reason the others weren't worried was the exact reason she was. If Kyle was taken by the Death Eaters escape would be impossible and one way or another she would be gone.

"I'm sorry Perce it's too dangerous." He yelled over the noise around him as he turned back towards George and Ginny. They all began weeving through the crowds, making their way towards the portkey. Percy's cries had become sobs as her hits to Fred's back became weaker and she allowed herself to be carried away from the chaos.


Meanwhile Draco was pacing in his room, his Father had apparated them both back to Malfoy Manor without explaining why and then left again, ordering Draco to stay at home. He knew something bad was happening but he had no idea what.

He'd spent the past 20 minutes pacing back and forth worrying about Kyle's wellbeing. He hadn't seen her since she went to hang out with Percy and the Weasley's and although he knew she could take care of herself but he couldn't help but worry.

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