The One Where George Proves Kyle Wrong

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'I have no idea what's gotten into you but there was absolutely no need to drag me over here, you can explain youself right now or else I'll hex you.' Kyle ranted at George whilst he ordered their drinks. Dramatically rolling his eyes, he turned to face her.

'Don't you see Kyle my brother and our dear friend are on the road to marriage, they're practically tying the knot as we speak! My ingenious plan is underway, and after we've finished our drinks step two can commence, you and I are going to slip away without them noticing and leave them to discover their ever growing love!'

Kyle stared back at George in disbelief wondering if he was just pranking her, but the look on his face said otherwise causing her to burst out in laughter, doubling over she clutched her stomach with one hand and the bar with the other to stop herself falling to the floor. Her laughter quickly died down and became soft giggles as she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

'What?' George asked, looking highly offended and slightly put out by Kyle's reaction.


Meanwhile Percy and Fred had gotten over their uncomfortable silence and had somehow fallen into a heated discussion over who they 'ship most' in Hogwarts. What had started of as playful pairs like Filch and Mrs Noris soon turned rather more serious when Percy's close friends were brought into the mix.

'How about... Dean and Seamus!' Said Fred thoughtfully, however this time he didn't have a grin on his face, rather a genuine smile. Which was mirrored by Percy, neither of them spoke, they just stared at eachother, their smiles practically reaching their ears until she decided to break in.

'Well... They are rather close... And I honestly think they're quite cute.' Percy said in a hushed tone, she looked at Fred anticipating his reply.

'Deamus af.' He spoke quickly

'What?' Replied a very confused Percy. 'Did you seriously just say what I think you did?' She stared at Fred in disbelief, only to be met with a huge grin and serious eyes.

'I regret nothing'

'Fredrick Gideon Weasley where on earth did you learn af and, if I'm not mistaken, ship names?'

Fred had never felt prouder of himself, 'My Dad had a muggle computer a few months ago and we discovered tons and tons of interweb chat but then Mum made him throw it out, said it was a bad influence on us.'

Percy watched him fondly whilst he chatted about various other 'interweb' words he'd learnt, occasionally giggling to herself when he pronounced things completely wrong, but choosing not to correct him since she found it adorable.


'I mean you can't be serious there's absolutely no way. They're just good friends, I'm sorry to burst your bubble Georgie but you've gone completely mad.' Said Kyle, with her arms crossed in denial.

'It's a known fact the best people are.'

'What?' Questioned Kyle sceptially.

'Mad.' Kyle looked at him with the same blank expression. 'You know, that saying? The best ones are? As in the best ones are mad?'

'George I have idea what your on about.'

'Nevermind. Back to Pred, I'm serious about th-'

'Pred! You have to be kidding me, I'm not even going to ask where you learnt what a ship name is. Anyway Pred sounds like a rash, I like Frercy better.' Kyle said as she raised her eyebrows at him.

'So you agree there's something going on between them! You seem to have had plenty of time to choose your favourite ship name so you must have known.' Challenged George.

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