The One Where Draco Is Jealous

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"All I'm saying is I'd be more appriciative of our friendship if you'd hurry up and learn how to plait hair." Kyle huffed as her and Draco walked to breakfast.

"Can't you just learn a spell or something." He replied rolling his eyes, which resulted in Kyle flicking him in the forehead.

"It's not the same, you wouldn't understand." She said as she gave up with the conversation.

"You have Percy to do it anyway." He tried to reason but Kyle was already gone.

Draco caught sight of her already at the other end of the table barrelling towards a couple of Durmstrung boys.

"She's lost it, she has actually lost it." He muttered to himself as she crashed into one of them almost sending them tumbling onto the floor.

For a moment Draco was conflicted, should he go save his friend from any further embarrassment or should he pretend not to know her. A few seconds later he was sat at the table between Crabbe and Pansy looking anywhere but at Kyle, who by this point had managed to climb on the boy's back.

"Either she knows him or she's not so subtly flirting." Pansy smiled (though her smile was more of a smirk) she appeared to be enjoying the show very much.

Draco's head snapped up and he shot her his signature glare. "She is not flirting with him."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Pansy commented as Kyle was pulled into a hug by a blond boy. "Oooo he's cute, go Kyle."

"Don't be so stupid Pansy."

"Is someone jealous?" Blaise couldn't resist a chance to tease Draco, being one of the very few who could get away with it.

"Sod off Zabini."

"Whatever you say boss."

He pretended not to notice the way Draco's eyes were glued to Kyle, watching the girl's interactions with the mysterious boy.


The boy who was so 'mysterious' to the group of Slytherins was nothing of the sort in person. In fact Kyle was sure that he was the most nerdy person in human history as she listened to him rant about a book he'd just finished.

She didn't really mind pretending to be interested (even though she had listened to the exact same rant from Percy a few months earlier).

Felix's eye shone with wonder as he described the clever plot twist that happened at the end of the book. Though Kyle hadn't been keeping up with what he was saying at all, he was a sight to watch. Much like his sister, Felix got really animated when he was exited- and he got excited over random little things.

It was fun to watch really, if you ignored his words and just watched his face and hands.

"So how come I didn't see much of you last summer?" Felix finally finished talking about- whatever it was, Kyle didn't really know.

"I had stuff to do with my parents." Kyle kept her answer vague, praying to Merlin that Felix wouldn't question further.

"What kind of stuff?"

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