The One Where They're Home

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Percy loved her home, the townhouse perfectly blended into the muggle town where it was located, windows and doors framed with bright flowers in the summer and crisp white snow in the winter.

The inside continued this homely atmosphere, each room was nicely decorated, but not to the point of seeming fake. The walls were covered in family pictures, both muggle and wizard, depicting each child that lived there growing up. There were books and cushions and colour, everything needed for a comfortable living space.

"Felix!" Percy dropped her trunk the second she got through the front door and raced to her twin brother, attacking him with the biggest hug she could.

Eli, who was following behind her, proceeded to trip over the trunk and fall face first to the floor. "For Merlin's sake Perce..." He mumbled to himself as he picked himself back up.

Percy and Felix broke their hug just to watch him and laugh, neither made any move to help their older brother. The two were clearly twins, almost identical in looks. They had the same dirty blonde hair and blue eyes that shone the exact same way when they were happy. They also shared the same mischievous grin and look of fake innocence when they had done something wrong.

Though Felix was considerably taller, he'd hit his growth spurt in the summer after his second year at Durmstrung and was now one of the tallest third years at the school. He also had a way of making people feel comfortable in his presence with minimal effort.

"You're home, finally." Another boy came down the stairs, he was startlingly different on appearance from his siblings. Levi was the oldest, ten months older then Eli so also in his six year. He had an air of composure about him, not a hair ever out of place. His stormy grey eyes could pierce into a persons soul with just a glance and his perfectly styled black hair was a stark contrast to his pale skin.

He decended the last few steps then pulled Eli into a tight hug.

"Sorry we're late, it took ages to get a taxi." Eli looked up at his older brother, he was extremely annoyed when he stopped growing and was still a couple inches smaller then Levi.

"That's okay, we were just about to order pizza, mum and dad won't be back 'til tomorrow. They left some money." Their parents, although they loved their children, were very business minded, constantly on trips to America, Asia and wherever else. They weren't home much even in the school holidays. They were both muggle borns, determined to integrate modern muggle life into the Wizarding world.

"Where's Trystan?" Percy asked as she grabbed her trunk ready to drag it up the stairs. Levi wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a one-armed hug.

"He's barely left his bed since we got home yesterday, it's like he's trying to reunite with an lost lover." Felix never missed a chance to make fun of his little brother.

"Nah, 'm jus tired." Trystan sat at the top of the stairs as if he had been summons by his name. His words were slurred from sleep and he leant against the banister as if it was a pillow.

Trystan shared the same looks as Levi, dark hair, grey eyes and a milky white complexion. For someone who shared so many of the same traits he could not look more different. Tristan's eyes were warm and full of child-like joy, that at twelve years old he was still clinging to; his hair was soft and messy, never tamed; he was short tempered and angry whereas Levi was calm and fair.

In short he was a boy with all the bark of a bulldog and all the bite of a chihuahua.

Percy lugged her trunk up the stairs until she got to where Trystan was. "Either move or be crushed, it's your choice."

The younger boy glared at his sister but did as he was told, there was no doubt that Percy would hit him with her trunk if he didn't move.

An hour later Eli and Percy's trunks were unpacked with a bit of help from their brothers, rather reluctant help in Trystan's case, he still wanted to sleep.

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