The One Where Kyle Rants (again)

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They shouldn't be doing this, they really shouldn't be doing this and Drea made them known of that fact the entire time they were doing it.

"Calm down, we'll hide before the people from the ministry get here and it's not like Hagrid's going to punish us if he finds us." Kyle informed her for the hundredth time as she gently stroked Buckbeak's neck.

That didn't calm the Hufflepuff at all. "We shouldn't even be out of the castle." She mumbled with a tone of defeat.

"Who cares? We're gonna give Buckbeak a great death-day if it's the last thing we do."

"Because that doesn't sound depressing at all." Seamus cut in, wandering over with a dead peasant. He threw it at the Hippogriff's feet and the creature gobbled it up.

"It's all the fucking ferret's fault." The Slytherin of the group bitterly mumbled. She's barely said two words to Draco since their fight and that didn't seem to be changing any time soon.

"At least he doesn't understand what's happening." Neville pointed out, trying to cheer the group a little.

"I don't know about that, a lot of animals, especially magical ones, are very perceptive of emotions." Percy piped up from where she was stroking Buckbeak's head, she couldn't help her pride in the fact that the proud creature was allowing her to do so.

Neville was keeping his distance, the creature had bowed and accepted him but he was anxious about somehow offending him.

"Someone's coming." Dean pointed to the path connecting Hagrid's hut to the castle.

After a half second of panic the golden trio got close enough to recognise. They all shared a nod and small smile but not a word as they went past.

"You lot shouldn't be here." Hagrid informed them as if they didn't already know when he opened the door. Speaking to the trio and the others.

"We'll leave before the Ministry people get here, promise." Drea told him with a sweet smile that tended to make people agree with her. "I'll make them leave."

Hagrid didn't push the issue any further, his dejection was obvious as he nodded and retreated back inside with the Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"We really should go now." Dean told them in his 'dad-voice' as Kyle had dubbed it in second year, the voice of reason and one that won't take any shit.

"Fine." Kyle stroked Buckbeak's feathers one last time then the group began to make their way up to the castle. The only managed to get halfway before realising that they'd left a certain small blonde behind. Dean jogged back towards her as the others waited.

"Come on, we'll get hot chocolate." He told her softly as he wrapped an arm around Percy's shoulder and lead her up to the rest of the group.

"I still can't believe Draco is fucking doing-"

"We know, Kyle." Drea said in the same soft voice as Dean, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

Drea and Dean lead the girls up to the castle with Neville and Seamus trailing behind. Seamus was trying to pay attention to his friend describing a new kind of plant he was interested in.

His enthusiasm was sweet but holy shit it was boring.


Back at the castle the gang were making their way to the great hall to eat their feelings away when they heard lots of comotion coming towards them.

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