The One Where They Contemplate Death

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Silence filled the Great Hall. Everyone in fifth year, third year and Gryffindor house knew about the secret hidden from the twins. In fact most of the school knew about it, it was a frequent gossip subject when there was nothing else going on. Some guessed who the mysterious Percy and Kyle were, those who knew guessed how long it would take Fred and George to figure it out.

Now the story was progressing no one wanted to miss a second, including the teachers. At the head of the Hall the Professors had also silenced, McGonagall fought to hide her smile while Dumbledore had that all too familiar twinkle in his eye, Hadgrid looked like he'd just switched on his favourite reality television show.

As for Snape he had managed to uphold his sour expression, although it was clear he too was interested to see how the girls would handle being discovered.

Percy and Kyle ran.


Accompanied with a whole lot of heavy breathing Percy and Kyle stumbled into an empty room beside the kitchens tripping over their own, and each others, feet in the process. The room they had run to was fondly know to them and their friends as 'The Panic Room' it was fully equipped with blankets, sweets, wizard chess and exploding snap. Basically anything a bunch of thirteen year old witches and wizards could need for a night sitting around pretending to do homework. Ignoring the piles of old kitchen utensils the house elves didn't use any more.

Also there was the benefit of the kitchens being next door, the house elves were more then happy to bring them food if they asked nicely, even if it was the middle of the night and they should be in their dorms. The friends in question, or 'squad' as Kyle liked to refer to them, were the two girls along with Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas and Drea Jackson.

The latter was a Hufflepuff girl they'd met in second year. She had been rushing past the kitchens in the direction of her common room, not looking were she was going, when she bumped into Seamus. She'd been in tears at the time and, not knowing how to deal with a crying Hufflepuff he'd only seen from across a classroom, he brought her with him to the rest of the group. From that day on she was brought into the gang, the poor girl had no chance of escape. And the Ravenclaw bullies who'd made her cry... well the less said about what happened to them the better.

Anyway, back to the two girls who were lent heavily against the door of the room, embarrassingly tired from what was a rather short run considering the size of the castle. It took a few minutes for the room to stop spinning and for the fire in their lungs to burn out, but once they knew they could walk they stumbled over to the pile of blankets and sat down. It was all fun and games when they knew the twins didn't know who they were but now they did, a full force of Weasley pranks were bound to be heading their way.

A couple of hours later and the duo were still hidden away, not planning on coming out any time soon, they heard the door handle rattling. Knowing there was no other way out Kyle immediately pulled a blanket over her head and went rigid in hopes of becoming invisible, whereas Percy shuffled further back as if she were trying to become one with the wall.

However it wasn't the two red-heads they were expecting just a small Irish teen and his abnormally tall partner. Seamus grinned at the two of them, like Christmas had come early.

"Guess who just won 10 galleons?"

"Guess who just lost 2 galleons?" Dean added with a sigh as he sat next to Kyle, taking the blanket off her head. The girl was still frozen for a second longer before she clocked what the two had said.

"You had a bet on us?" She sounded offended but had been expecting as much, Seamus bet on everything and he usually brought his other half into it too. Dean had a bit more sense and only bet small amounts whenever he was dragged into it.

Percy was about to comment as Seamus sat down next to Dean but before she could the door handle rattled again, just like last time Kyle threw the blanket over herself and Percy froze back against the wall. The only difference was this time it was accompanied by a squeak of fear from Percy and laughter from Dean and Seamus.

Once again it wasn't the Weasley twins, it was Neville and Drea, both armed with plates on food from dinner.

"We didn't know if you two would be hungry after all that beef at lunchtime but we brought you food anyways"

"Yeah, we've got some nice orange carrots" Added Neville "Get it? Orange know because Fred and George have orange hair..."

There was a mass eye roll shared by all the other occupants of the room but fond smiles accompanied them. Neville sat next to Percy and Drea beside him so they formed a circle with the plates placed in the middle for everyone to snack on. Percy moved forward and once again Dean removed the blanket from Kyle's head.

"Its really Nacho business." Percy commented taking one of the triangle shaped crisps from a plate.

"Egg-xactly." Kyle grinned, taking a scotch egg. The games had begun.

"You two are awful." Dean buried his face in his hands wondering how he'd managed to become friends with such idiots.

"I don't know Dean, I think they make a good pear." Seamus picked up the fruit and held it up to make sure his joke was clear.

The puns that followed were equally bad as those before, taking up a good half an hour of their time. By the end of which their plates were almost empty and they were all giggling like five year olds.

"So are you planning on staying here forever?" Neville finally broke them out of their pun-induced states, "because there's only so long we can cover for you in classes."

"Yeah stop being whimps, you have to face them someday." Drea added.

"Says who? We could avoid them the rest of the term then transfer schools." Kyle argued, fully aware of how stupid and childish that sounded.

"Yeah, I've got three brothers who go to Durmstrang, we could go there. You guys can write to us." Percy got a grape chucked at her by Drea for that comment.

"No way, you two have to face up to this... Besides its gonna be great to watch." Seamus seemed to take immense pleasure in the pain of his friends. He'd do anything for them but he had to get a bit of comedy somehow, the school could be pretty boring at times.

Nothing more was said on the topic after that, everyone knew that Percy and Kyle wouldn't move anywhere they were too attached to the school and the people in it to leave. Besides they knew they'd never live it down if they ran from a few pranks.

Dean was the first acknowledge that it was after hours and they were bound to be discovered if they didn't return to their common rooms sooner or later, stretching out his lankly limbs he reached out giving Seamus a hand up. The others followed in his footsteps, Kyle and Percy taking their time both hoping to spontaneously combust, though with Seamus nearby that was always a possibility.

Hugging Drea goodbye, the others began their, incredibly slow, walk back to their common rooms careful to avoid any teachers. As they reached the turning where Kyle would have to leave them to head to the dungeons her and Percy began their dramatic speeches to one another along with fake tears and many hugs acting as if they'd be dead or missing in the morning.

The others just watched in a bored and slightly amused silence, it wasn't exactly uncommon for the two for them to be a bit over dramatic when around each other. It was easier to let them get on with it. Seamus was leaning against the wall half asleep by the time they finally let go of each other.

That was when two figures turned down the corridor, Fred and George Weasley were walking straight towards the group. Percy made the same squeaking sound she had earlier, darting behind Neville like a very cowardly mouse, her place in Gryffindor could sometimes be rather confusing. Kyle casually stepped closer to Seamus as if they hadn't seen her already. All five of them stood in silence as the twins made their way over to them, however as they approached Fred and George simply smiled, accompanied with a wink from Fred and continued on their way.

Once they were out of sight Dean, Seamus and Neville all turned to look at the girls, identical horror covering all of their faces.

And in that moment they knew... They were fucked.

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