The One Where Percy Dies

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"It's probably Neville's forgotten the password again." Percy rolled her eyes and suppressed a grin when Neville replied to Ron with a mildly annoyed "Hey!"

It had been a couple of weeks since the last Hogsmeade visit and most of the Gryffindor house was crowded outside the common room.

"It's the Fat Lady!" Ginny appeared in front of the group, unfortunately her statement left many questions. As Harry opened his mouth to ask what the hell she meant Percy Weasley's voice cut through the crowd.

"Let me though! Let me though! I'm Head Boy!" Ginny and Ron looked anywhere but at their older brother, pretending they'd never seen that boy before in their lives.

The Fat Lady was gone, at least she sort of was, for someone who was terrified she'd only run about ten pictures away and was hidden behind a hippo wearing a very questionable outfit.

No one complained when Dumbledore ordered them all to go to the Great Hall.

Everyone was terrified of Sirius Black.


An hour later they were all settled down in the Great Hall with sleeping bags. Percy, Seamus, Dean and Neville had claimed a corner, acting as if this was a giant sleepover. Exchanging jokes and stories, the surrounding people were either in tears of laughter or glaring at the group while they tried to sleep.

Fred and George had managed to get their own little section on the other side of the hall. Really the rest of the students had left them alone because they were afraid of being pranked as they slept if they got too close. Fortunately that gave them the opportunity to whisper unheard.

"Hey George I never asked you, why were you acting so weird when we all went to Hogsmeade on the last visit? You haven't got a crush on Kyle or something have you?" Said Fred trying to sound jokey, but his twin could sense the undertone of seriousness in his words.

"No... I thought maybe you'd want some time alone with Percy." He smirked, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

That earned him a whack on the shoulder from his red-faced twin.

"Why would you think that? Me and Percy are just friends, nothing else."

"You sure about that Freddie?"

"Yes I'm sure, and even if I did like her- which I don't- nothing could ever happen."

George wasn't giving in that easily, he knew his brother better then Fred knew himself. "Why couldn't anything ever happen?"

"Well... because- because," Fred seemed to be getting rather flustered. "Because she's Ron's friend, it would be like if Ron suddenly decided to date Lee!"

George cringed at that mental picture. "I'm not sure that's quite the same thing."

"Okay and what about this- her brother would skin me alive, chop me into millions of people then feed me to the giant squid!"

George rolled his eyes but nodded, Eli would go nuts especially after their last run-in with him.

"And what about Kyle? If anything went wrong that girl would hang me by my balls from the astronomy tower-"

"I haven't heard you say anything about Percy though." George cut him off. "Do you think she wants something more then friendship?"

"Shut up."

George grinned, he'd won that time.


"It's snowing!" Percy shouted, running outside into the white flakes that's had began to fall early that morning.

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