The One Where Kyle's in Charge

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It was decided that the best thing to do was to wait for the potion to wear off, sure there were other things they could do but they would most likely involve getting yelled at by Mcgonagal and no one wanted that.

Besides seeing Fred and George in their ten-year-old states was too funny to fix.

But two hours later and the potion still hadn't worn off. The only good thing was that the twins still had their older strain in tact so Percy and Kyle didn't have to control two actual ten year olds.

"Maybe if we leave it overnight it might wear off?" Percy suggested though she didn't sound very sure of the plan.

"And if that doesn't work?" Mini-Fred questioned, trying to keep his huge trousers falling down his little legs. Apparently the twins hadn't always been the giant wizards they are.

"Then at least your appearance will finally match your mental age." Kyle was still trying not to giggle every time they spoke, their squeaky voices were hilarious.

Mini-George didn't look pleased "How long have you been waiting to make that joke?"

"About half an hour." Kyle shrugged.

"How about we go find Harry and ask if we can borrow his cloak to sneak you to your dorm?" Percy didn't know much about Harry's invisibility cloak besides the fact that he'd used it to try to sneak to Hogsmeade the year before.

"And maybe if you two are good little boys we'll get Lee to tuck you in and read you a bed time story." Kyle ruffled Mini-George's hair.

"Stop that!" He shouted as he batted her hand away. "We're two years older then you."

"Sure you are, honey. Aren't they cute Perce?" Kyle's voice was so incredibly patronising that she almost sounded genuine.

Percy rolled her eyes, though secretly she agreed. The twins were adorable, she wondered at what point they went from cute to hot- wait, what?

Shaking her head slightly as if to clear the thought Percy headed for the door, "I'll find Harry, Kyle you're in charge."

Complaints followed her out as Fred and George protested being treated like children.


Thankfully Harry was in the common room with Hermione and Ron, those three were almost as co-dependent as her and Kyle- and that was kind of worrying.

"Harry, I need a favour."


Ten minutes later the Golden Trio were stood in the Panic Room laughing at the newly shrunken Fred and George.

Five minutes after that Harry and Hermione had mostly calmed down but Ron was still in tears, leaning on the wall for support as he giggled uncontrollably.

Without a word Harry offered the cloak that Percy had asked for, he didn't really trust himself to speak without laughing again.

One small mercy was that in their new small forms both boys could fit under the cloak without their feet on show like they usually would have been.

It was a complicated procedure to get them back to the common room unseen and unheard. It should have been simple now they had the cloak but with many new people in the castle and the fact that the twins had to walk incredibly close so kept standing on each others toes, it was a bit difficult.

"I know that look. What are you up to?" A voice stopped them as they were about to enter the common room.

There was a tense moment of silence as the group turned to see who the voice belonged to.

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