The One Where It's Christmas Eve

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"Honey, I'm home!" Kyle loved to make an entrance, so she shouted her greeting loudly as she stepped out of the fireplace with her trunk. Only to then realise that the living room was empty. "That's just rude." She mumbled.

There was the sound of footsteps on the stairs, followed by curses as the owner of the footsteps tripped down the last few stairs. Percy came into the room and ran straight at the other girl.

"Merry Christmas!" She shouted, practically tackling Kyle.

"It's not Christmas yet!" Kyle shouted back, matching her friends tone. "Now help me with my trunk so I can go hug each of your brothers individually."

Percy rolled her eyes but did as she was told with a grin, it was the same every time. The two of them got it upstairs and down the hallway to Percy's room, they only dropped it on their toes twice, which they both counted as a success.

"I'll be back in a minute." Kyle was out the door again the second they put the trunk down. She was beyond excited to see the boys who were basically her adoptive brothers at this point.

First off: Felix, his room was across the hall from Percy. Without so much as a knock, Kyle ran in and tackle hugged him.

The poor boy was sent flying back in his chair, pulling him away from his computer.

"No- Kyle... Oh- shit! Kyle!" He frowned as he lost the game he'd been playing in his computer.

"Shut up you nerd and hug me." He rolled his eyes and hugged her. There was no use arguing.

"It's good to have you here, now will you leave so I can recover from that epic failure you just put me through?" His voice was laced with fake anger.

Kyle simply smiled and ruffled his hair before skipping out of the room to the one next door.

"Trystan!" She ran in, once again without knocking, and jumped on his bed.

The second year groaned from under a mess of blankets and peaked out, squinting as if the dim light in his room was blinding.

He grinned when he saw who was sat at the end of his bed. It took a moment for him to dislodge himself from the cocoon of blankets but as soon as he escaped he was hugging her. His soft feathery hair tickled her nose. Kyle giggled quietly and hugged him back.

"You're staying for the rest of the holidays right?" Trystan was very fond of his self-proclaimed 'sister', it was easy to like someone you only saw a few times a year during holidays.

"Yep," Kyle answered popping the 'p' "I'm here 'til we go back to school."

"You're lucky you only just arrived. Felix has had us all take part in a chess tournament for the past few days- he won, of course."

"Wow, it's such a shame I missed that." Her voice was laced with thick sarcasm.

"It was awful. I lost."

"I'm surprised you left your bed long enough to compete."

"Sod off." He pushed her gently and smiled.

"Fine then, I have other people who want my attention." She shoved him backwards on to the bed and ran out. Only to run face first into someone's chest.

"Slow down, kid." Levi held her shoulders to steady her, she looked up at the boy who was considerably taller than her and a huge smile made it's way onto her face.

"It's been too long Captin Levi" Kyle exclaimed as her smile turned into a grin. Levi playfully rolled his eyes in return, Captin Levi was a nickname of his which Kyle lived to use.

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