The One Where The Boys Are Back

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"Ha, look at their butts." Kyle whispered to the blond boy next to her. Of course the entire great hall was looking at the backsides of the horde of French girls making their way through the great hall. "I bet Percy is loving this."

She was right, across the hall at the Gryffindor table Percy was staring just as much as the boys, though she was more subtle about it.

Kyle laughed as she watched her friend regain her senses when Dumbledore introduced the next school: Durmstrung.

The Hogwarts students were beyond excited when they were told the Tri-Wizard Tornament would be held at their school. It was finally something interesting happening that didn't involve a murderer, psychotic teacher or Harry Potter.

Then the Durmstrung boys entered, Kyle snorted in the most unladylike manner possible at their display.

She supposed that the theatrics themselves would probably be quite good to watch had anyone else been a part of it.

However when watching the boys she'd come to see as brothers slamming sticks against the floor in a glorified dance it became incredibly funny.

Once again she caught sight of Percy across the hall, the girl already had tears streaming down her face and was holding onto George and Neville for support as she choked on her own giggles.

Levi, Felix and Trystan had come to Hogwarts.


"No wizard under the age of seventeen-" the rest of Barty Crouch's sentence was cut off by the loud complaints of almost every student aged between fourteen and sixteen in the Great Hall. They had all wanted a chance to compete for eternal glory now it turned out that only a small number of students would even be eligible.

"That's rubbish!" Fred and George shouted the loudest, the annoyance clear on their freckled faces. That was a bit of a surprise, although enter al glory sounded nice it didn't seem to really be the twin's thing. They seemed more content to just have their friends, their family and their pranks.

But maybe it was a simple case of wanting what you can't have.

Eventually Crouch was able to continue and the Goblet of Fire was revealed to the hall, the flames flickered blue and green as the students watched. There seemed to be something off about it, a sense of foreboding that everyone felt but couldn't put their finger on.

That was immediately forgotten when the food appeared on the tables. It had been a long day and no one cooked better then the Hogwarts house elves.

Half way through dessert Percy was at the stage of eating were you regret everything and really wish you'd stopped after the second slice of apple pie.

She got up and stepped over the bench. "I'm gonna say hi to my brothers." She explained as Fred gave her a questioning look.

The Durmstrung students were seated at the end of the Slytherin table, they were mostly keeping to themselves and barely communication with those from Hogwarts.

Percy changed that, "How've you been Captain Levi?" She asked Levi, hugging him tightly from behind.

"Perce you saw me three day ago, not much has changed." He replied in a bored tone, as if he didn't have his fourteen year old sister clinging to his back.

"Hello Percy." Sacho smiled from his place next to Levi, affectionately ruffling her hair. His Bulgarian accent was so thick that she wondered how anyone was going to understand the boys. She herself only really got it because her mother had an accent very similar, if a bit diluted from years in England.

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