The One Where They're Children

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By the time the four boys and McGonagall had reached Dumbledore's office Fred's nose had mostly stopped bleeding however it looked quite broken.

"Pear Drops" Spoke McGonagall causing the door to spring open, all the boys trailing after her as she stepped onto the stairs. Eli had already apologised to Neville for getting him in trouble but looked a bit too smug about Fred's nose. The twins glared at him the entire way, well George did, Fred was too busy stemming the blood flowing from his nose with his sleeve. McGonagall didn't let them stop at the hospital wing on their way to the office, she could be rather harsh when she was mad and at that moment she was fuming.

Once they got to the office the smugness on Eli's face faltered and the tension was building, everyone unsure of what Dumbledore's reaction would be. Neville was visibly upset, even though he hadn't done anything wrong and most probably wouldn't be in any trouble he couldn't help but feel terrible for his two friends. They had been publicly embarrassed by people who they'd grown to trust which caused his stomach to twist.

Ever since he'd run after Eli, leaving Kyle and Percy, he'd been itching to go back and comfort them. They'd been his very first friends at Hogwarts and over the years he'd got to know them very well, which of course had its perks but today it'd broke his heart when he could physically feel their pain and embarrassment.

Dumbledore looked up from the parchments on the desks to the group of boys in front of him, he nodded to Mcgonagall then continued writing. The tense silence stretched out for what felt like years to the boys, especially Fred whose eyes had began to bruise though the bleeding had lessened considerably.

Finally the headmaster put the parchment aside and stood up. He walked around the front of his desk and looked at the boys, all of whom squirmed under his intense gaze. The lack of speaking made it worse for all of them, yelling would be better compared the disappointment in his eyes.

"You know fighting is not tolerated at this school." He finally spoke deathly quiet and calm. "Neither is publicly humiliating other students, yes I have heard about the events that took place in Hogsmeade this afternoon. I am nothing short of disappointed Fred and George Weasley. We will discuss your punishment for that in a moment."

He turned his gaze to the other two boys "First, you will all have detention every Friday evening at seven o'clock for the rest of the term, what you do in that time will change each week but it will not be pleasant. No excuses and no exceptions. Now Mr Longbottom and Mr Jasper you may leave."

Eli opened his mouth as if to protest but a stern look from McGonagall stopped him and he followed Neville out.

"If one of you would please tell Miss Jasper and Miss Corlett to come to my office immediately." Dumbledore added before the door shut.


Eli and Neville marched out of the office practically throwing themselves down the stairs to put as much distance possible between them and disappointed Dumbledore. Since Eli was taller his legs were longer then Neville's and the other boy was fighting to keep up, it was sheer determination that made it possible. Reaching the stair case which faced the Gryffindor common room Eli began climbing the steps but Neville stopped in his tracks shouting up to him.

"Eli, stop!"

"No Nev we've got to get the girls so those idiots can get the punishment they deserve." Neville raised an eyebrow at him and the older boy quickly added, "And see if their okay, of course, that too."

"I know, that's why I'm telling you to stop! They won't be in there, they'll still be in the panic room." He started walking the opposite way.

"I'm starting to see why you guys call it a panic room." Eli told him, easily catching up. "Dramatic shit seems to happen a lot in your year group, I assumed it was just Potter and his friends that anything interesting happened to."

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