The One Where It All Goes Wrong

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Somehow after that things got better, as the days and weeks dragged on the twins spent more and more time with the third year girls. They often sat next to their group at meals or started conversations with them when they saw each other around the castle. Amazingly enough they made it to two months since the revel without a prank being directed at them.

As for their avid audience, they began to get bored. Nothing was happening of any great interest and there were no secrets anymore. Who could be bothered to watch that when there was no gossip? Even Lee had stopped commentating whenever the four were together. People's attention was now mostly focused on the ever present fear of Askaban escapee Sirius Black.

As for Percy, she found the extra lessons they had been able to take this year, plus the responsibility of making Kyle actually go to them, was taking too much energy. Between homework, lessons and Kyle's complaints she didn't have time to worry about the two boys. The blonde decided that as long as they weren't causing her trouble she wasn't going to question it.

The third years first Hogsmead visit was coming up and Percy was waiting anxiously for the permission slip to arrive from her parents, she'd forgotten to get it signed over the summer and had to send it to them. Which would be fine but her parents were working in America for a few months so it was hard to get the message sent that far.

Kyle couldn't help but tease her about it, after being told endlessly that she was unorganised, finally is was Percy who had forgotten something.


The day had finally come and luckily Percy's permission slip had come by owl during breakfast, whilst she was overjoyed, Harry was gutted as now he was the only third year not going, so Percy promised him she'd bring him back some sweets from Honeydukes.

Kitted up with a warm jumper and her Slytherin scarf Kyle hurried down to meet Percy, Dean, Seamus, Drea and Neville, a.k.a the squad, who were all wrapped up in their Gryffindor scarfs (except Drea in her Hufflepuff one).

All six of them rushed over to McGonagall to hand in their permission slips before shuffling towards the back of the line heading off to Hogsmeade. Along the way Drea spotted Lexi Smith, a Hufflepuff third year she'd was friends with, excusing herself to walk with her as she was alone, but not without promising to meet the others later at the Three Broomsticks.

When they arrived Dean and Seamus parted from the group and headed to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop as Seamus had managed to set his last quill on fire in potions and was in desperate need of a new one. Leaving Kyle, Percy and Neville to wander around together. They ended up in Honeydukes were Percy got some chocolate frogs and sugar quills for Harry along with some fizzing whizbees for herself and Kyle got some cauldron cakes.


They were on their way to The Three Broomsticks an hour later when it finally happened. They should have known, they shouldn't have let themselves feel safe. The boys seemed to forgive them and a slightly uneasy friendship had formed between them. Chatting and joking together often. They should have known it was all a trick.

They were nearly at the pub when they saw George and Fred down the road, both girls smiled and were about to wave when they saw the mischievous grins covering their faces and the wands in their hands. That couldn't mean anything good. The wands were pointed straight at Percy and Kyle and their lips were moving in a whispered spell.

It was suddenly cold, the breeze seemed stronger and everyone around them froze staring at Percy and Kyle. It took them a second to realise what had happened and when they did both girls wrapped their arms around themselves, they were stood in the middle of Hogsmeade, surrounded by people, in only their underwear.

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