The One Where Lee's A Flirt

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"I'm telling you, it just floated away!" Neville was trying to convince his friends that his lolly had a life of its own at Hogsmeade.

"Yeah sure it did Nev." Kyle rolled her eyes. "Stop moving!" She smacked Percy on the top of her head.

Percy winced, though not from the pathetic slap, from Kyle yanking her hair as she pulled it into tight plaits.

Dean flashed Percy a sympathetic smile then replied to Neville. "I doubt the lolly just floated off."

"I swear it did! It was like it was yanked out of my hand."

"Maybe you pissed of a poltergeist." Seamus laughed at his own joke.

"Very funny." Neville rolled his eyes but gave up trying to convince the others of what had happened.

"Can we get some food now?" Percy asked, no long being subjected to the torture of her hair being plaited. She now had two neat French plaits that reached half way down her back.

"Yes Perce, we can get food." Drea stood up and followed Percy as she raced next door to the kitchens. This was common when they were in their 'Panic Room".

The house elves liked having the company of the teenage witches and wizards so they were greeted with a chorus of hellos from the small creatures.

"Did Miss Jasper and Miss Corlett enjoy their hot chocolates?" A high pitched voice asked, the owner two the two empty mugs that Percy had in her hands.

"Yes thank you." The girl smiled at the small creature. Her and Kyle had asked the house elves for hot chocolates an hour earlier when they were trying to warm up from a day in the snow.

"What does Miss Jasper and Mr Thomas like the house elves to make?" Asked the same house elf (who'd managed to make the mugs disappear already). They'd met her in their first year and she had a huge soft spot for the group.

"Nothing special Clover, we just can't be bothered to eat dinner in the Great Hall. Do you mind?" Dean asked politely, he treated the house elves as he would treat humans.

"Not at all, it is Clover's pleasure to cook for friends."


Twenty minutes later they were presented with a mini banquet, the house elves loved to cook for those who treated them so nicely.

"Gemmy has made cookies for young mistresses and masters." His squeaky voice interrupted before anyone had a chance to touch the food. "Gemmy hopes you will like them."

Gemmy was a young elf who Clover had taken under her wing, he was constantly seeking approval from his 'masters'. He'd been freed by an old pure blood after years of cruel enslavement and found by Dumbledore. Now he was the most eager junior chef Hogwarts kitchens had ever seen.

"Thanks Gemmy." Drea took one of the cookies, knowing the elf would be wanting to see them taste his work. Soon all of them were enjoying the cookies while Gemmy stood watching with a proud smile lighting up his sharp features.

"That was great, thanks Gemmy." Neville was still rather awkward around house elves, he'd grown up with his grandmother teaching him they were lesser creatures. Breaking what he'd been taught his whole life was hard, but he was really trying.

The rest of their mini feast was, of course, amazing. The perfect way to finish off the year.

By midnight they were sneaking back to their common rooms with promises to sit together at breakfast the next morning and on the train.


The day of the Christmas holidays loomed bright and snowy, the courtyard had knee high snow covering the stones making the castle look like somthing out of a fairytale.

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