Chapter 2: The School

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I woke up to the sound of my foster mom yelling in my ear. I looked around the room and for a moment forgot I was in a hotel room. I started to panic for a second, before realizing It was my first day of school, today. I groaned and got up to get ready.

After I got dressed and ready to go, I grabbed my suitcase. My foster mom and I headed downstairs. My foster mom went to check out, while I went to the buffet breakfast table. I got a ham and cheese omelet and some cereal. I ate my breakfast as slowly as I could to stall for time. I dreaded going to the school. My foster mother hurried me and I started eating faster. When I finally finished, we got on the road.

When we arrived at the school, I gasped in awe. I couldn't help it. The school was huge and it was a beautiful campus. The campus had a huge forest of trees behind it with a marble courtyard with a fountain in the middle. I saw many kids heading towards the school with three to five suitcases each. They must be really rich, I thought. My foster mom helped me get my suitcase out of the car. She hugged me and then drove off. I stared at the brick building that was SH High School. I went towards the fountain and sat down for a moment to admire the school.

Several minutes later a boy came and sat down next to me. "I'm Ender." he said.

"I'm Aliana. You can call me Ali." I replied

"Nice to meet you, Ali." he said with a smile

"You too." I said. 

He got up and waved at me as he left. Well he seems nice, I thought. Hmm maybe I will make friends at this school after all. I got up and grabbed my suitcase. I walked towards the entrance, but was instantly stopped by a senior boy. He snickered at me. I looked down at my feet and walked towards the entrance hoping I could get away without being confronted. I didn't. The boy and his "squad" came towards me. I stopped and sighed. I looked at them.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely even though I wanted to rip them apart.

"Oh.. Yes. You can help us." The boy smiled.

"What do you want?" I asked a little frightened.

"You." he replied with a smirk. I was completely creeped out.

"M-me?" I stammered.

"Y-yes you." He said mimicking the stammer. 

I glared at him and he just smiled at me like my reaction was perfect. I was getting very angry. I felt a weird instinct I had certainly never felt before. The instinct to kill prey. Apparently, this kid was my prey and I was the predator. I felt the weird sensation again when my body racked and I heard a growl in my throat. I heard screams in the background, but I could barely hear them. Immediately, the screams and the sensation stopped. I looked at the ground and saw a piece of wolf fur next to my shoe. What is happening? I asked myself. I looked up and saw the seniors were gone. Good, I thought, at least they won't be bothering me anymore.

I looked around and hoped no one saw what happened. Everyone had gone inside to greet their old friends. There was one person outside, however, that came towards me. My heart filled with fear. Did he see what happened? I asked myself. I pushed it back and smiled at him as he came towards me.

"Hey. I'm Charley." he said.

"Aliana. You can call me Ali." I replied.

"So, Ali. What happened? One moment I saw you being bullied, and the next I saw a full grown female wolf growling at them." he asked. 

My eyes filled with fear. He knows. Damn it! He watched me change into a wolf? Wait I changed? What is happening to me? I guess I couldn't lie to him now.

I sighed and answered, "I don't know, to be honest. It just sort of started happening to me."

"So, you can't control it?" he asked

"Well, I can't right now, but if I can figure out what is happening to me I might be able to control it." I replied.

"Well, I have also had weird things happen to me." he said casually. I took the hint.

"What happens to you?" I asked

"Time slows down in an action moment." he replied.

"That sounds awfully familiar to a show I watched...." I replied

"Really?" he asked

"Yea." I said. Charley opened his mouth to ask another question, but the bell rang.

"I'll cya later!" Charley said as he rushed to his first class.

I ran inside and quickly got a schedule. The classes were as follows:


I looked at the schedule again and again. Then, I heard the bell ring for the second time. 

"Damn, i'm late" I said and ran to my first class.

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