Chapter 20: Master

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??? POV

I stared at the group in the school. They had always been coming back from missions that the school sent them on. I was the one who watched them. I was the spy. That damn lady. She made me watch them, which I call, stalking. I hated doing it. I'm wasn't allowed to quit my job. Today, was no ordinary day. The group came in and headed up the stairs. I followed them and stared at them in shock. Their eyes held terror and panic. I didn't understand. What happened that made them look that way? I cautiously walked up towards them.

"What's wrong?" I asked

A girl turned towards me, "It's none of your concern."

The guy next to her jabbed her in the shoulder, "You don't need to be mean, Chirpy."

"Oh, Shut up Ender!" She yelled at him.

"Excuse me..." I tried to say, but they kept arguing.

One of the girls came towards me and sighed.

"Are they always like this?" I asked her.

"No. It's normally Ender and Aliana who are like that." She answered

"Who's Aliana?" I asked suddenly curious.

My master had told me about her. She was the special one. The one I was told to watch most carefully. My master had placed a man to get the speedster, Charley, and the girl Aliana. He wanted them. I didn't know why. You don't ask my master what he plans. The man was just the first step. He would torture them and then hand them to my master. That's where I would come in. I sighed, I didn't want to hurt her or Charley. Master didn't care though. He would kill me if I didn't obey him.

"She's my friend. She's been captured." The girl said.

"By who?" I asked. This meant Gunther had her. I sighed knowing the next part of the plan was coming soon.

"Gunther Rhodes." The girl answered

"D-Delaney, D-don't t-tell h-him a-anything a-about it." A guy came up to the girl called Delaney. 

Ah, the titanium girl. And he must be...the guy with the touch of death, I thought to myself.

"Oh..Are you going to get her back?" I asked

"Yes." She answered plainly.

Ender and the girl...Salem, I think her name was, were still fighting. Delaney ran over to them and slapped them both of the shoulder.

"STOP FIGHTING! God! I cannot hear myself think with you two going on like that!" She yelled.

The other guy went towards her and placed his hand on her arm, "D-del, c-calm down. W-we will g-get t-them b-back." He said

"Bilbo,  what if we don't?" She asked with tears in her eyes. I almost felt bad for her. Almost.

"We will, don't think like that Del." Salem said and hugged her friend.

"So..Where are your friends?" I asked no one in particular.

"They are in a warehouse not far from here." Ender said

Delaney punched him in the gut and he doubled over in pain.

"What the hell Delaney?!" He asked

"Don't give away anything! Did you not hear Bilbo?" She hissed to him

"I'm sorry. Geez, you're punch is like being punched by a metal bar." He mumbled

Delaney laughed, "I am a metal bar."

He frowned and was about to answer, but Salem cut her off.

"This isn't helping us save Charley or Aliana any faster." She said

"S-salem's r-right." The other guy, Bilbo I think his name is, said.

"Oh alright. To the attic." Another girl, Chirpy, said

"What about him?" Ender asked

"What about him?" Delaney asked him

"Well, we he just heard everything we said." Ender pointed out

"You won't tell a soul what you heard right?" Delaney said to me

"No, I won't tell anyone anything." I answered

"Good. If you do tell, I'll murder you in your sleep." She whispered in my ear.

I shivered, but choose to ignore it. Master would keep me safe.

"So...I'll see you guys later." I said

"Wait!" Delaney yelled

"Hmm?" I stopped and looked at her.

"Who are you?" She asked

"Who am I? I am Noah." I said.

I am also the one who will destroy your friend because I cannot disobey my master. I am the one who will cause you the most harm. I am the one who has betrayed my family. I am the one who will kill my family. I am the one who will help my master destroy The Seven Soldiers because i'm being forced to. I am the one who isn't strong enough to fight against my master. I am the one who is weak. I am the one who couldn't save my sister from this pain that she will endure. I am the one who will always give up and give in. I am, Noah Riddle.

First of all I would like to thank you all for the 200 reads! I'm happy for your support and it means a lot to me. Feel free to vote and comment. I answer all comments. Thanks a bunch.


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