Chapter 17: Gunther Rhodes

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The image is of Gunther up top ^^^
We walked into the room and they all stared at us in relief.

"You guys took forever. We thought you wouldn't ever come back." Delaney said

"Sorry to worried you guys." Charley said apologetically.

"A-at least t-they did their j-job." Bilbo said.

"Anything new, here?" I asked.

"Oh yea, that reminds me, Charley, there was this guy who claimed to know you. He kicked our asses and got away." Salem said

"Who was he?" Charley asked

"He said his name was Gunther." Delaney said

"Ohhh no, no this, this is bad." Charley said starting to panic.

I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Charley? Are you alright?"

"No, Gunther Rhodes. That's his full name. He, used to work for my father. He is a terrible and feared villain. He manipulates electricity and water. He's dangerous." Charley said

"What does he want with Charley?" I asked

"He says he wants to do to Charley what Charley's father did to him." Ender said

"He wants to torture me. My father used to torture everyone before he talked to them. Didn't give them a chance to talk before torture. The methods were too horrible to imagine. One was half drowning the victim and then electrocuting them. Another would be whip lashes and then pouring vinegar or some type acid on the wounds so they wouldn't heal properly. The last one was he spun in a circle cutting off the victims oxygen and waited until the victim was unconscious before pouring burning liquid down their throat. My father was violent and cruel with every meta he caught. Gunther was a threat to him, mostly. He'd sneak into my room and scare me with electricity that ran from his left hand to his right hand. My father hated this and made a promise to me that he would stop Gunther. He did. Gunther was given all of the possible punishments my father could give. When Gunther escaped a few years ago, we thought he wouldn't do anything to us. It seems we were wrong." Charley said

"That's not good." Salem commented

"Why was your father so cruel?!" Delaney asked

"I don't know." Charley told her honestly.

"Wait..where's Chirpy." I asked

"Umm, see here's the thing. Gunther took Chirpy and wants us to trade Charley for her." Delaney said

"That's horrible." I said

Charley sighed, "Well, go ahead and do what you have to do. I don't want Chirpy suffering for what my family has done."

"W-we a-aren't g-giving you u-up to h-him C-Charley." Bilbo said

"We are going to make a plan to take him down." Salem said

"So, we are going to place with Charley as the pawn. We can let Charley go in and we can hide around the place. It will make it seem like Charley is alone. Then when Gunther lets Chirps go and goes to torture Charley, we attack." Delaney said

"That's a good plan, the question is how are we going to find this place and how are we going to get inside without Gunther seeing us?" I asked

"We could make cloaking potions." Salem suggested

"Good idea. Del and I will go and make the potions. Charley, you and Ender can try to find the location of Chirps. Bilbo and Salem can try to think of places we could hide while we wait." I said

"Alright let's do this!" Ender yelled

Delaney and I walked through the closet and closed it slightly. We walked out of the dorm room and downstairs to the science classroom, which doubled as a potions classroom. When I walked in, the sudden stench of vinegar filled my nostrils. I looked around for the source and saw one of the students in our grade making a science project. Del and I walked over to the potion section of the room and grabbed the potion book off the shelf. We flipped through the pages until we found the recipe for the Cloaking Potion.

Cloaking Potion
One mandrake root
Two stirs counterclockwise
Three cockroaches
Turn heat to high
Two Stirs counterclockwise
Let potion stand for ten minutes
One stir clockwise

Del and I got to work on preparing the potion. We worked as quickly as we could manage to do while making the potion the best we could.

After about twenty minutes, the potion was ready and we poured it into flasks. 

I high fives Del and we returned to the attic. Charley and Ender had successfully located Gunther.

Bilbo and Salem had thought of clever ways to hide ourselves when the potion wore off. We were going to leave at night. We all headed back to our dorms and awaited nightfall.

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