Chapter 9: Super Class

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I walked into the classroom and saw everyone had gotten there before me. I frowned and took a seat next to Salem. The professor was sitting at her desk staring us down. I got an eerie feeling from her, but I shoved it off. The bell rang and the professor stood up.

"Ah. Time to start. This is Super Class. You will be learning more about your powers in this class. So, will Mr. Baggins come up here please." She said.

Bilbo looked up from a book and got up in front of the class.

"Good. Now everyone knows Bilbo here can kill anyone with one touch. This skill is very rare. Well, all of your skills are rare. If you touch his skin you will instantly wither away or die. Now I want you to demonstrate." She said and held out a ferret to him.

I raised my hand seeing his uneasiness.

The professor sighed, "Yes, Ms. Riddle?"

"He already demonstrated in another class. So he doesn't need to kill that ferret. It's just wrong to force him to do that." I said. 

He gave me a grateful look and the professor scowled.

"Fine. Mr. Baggins sit. Ms. Riddle come up here." She said. 

Bilbo took his seat once more and I walked up towards the professor.

"Ms. Riddle here has two powers. Hence why this group belongs to her." I glared at the professor and wanted to make a comment, but she continued to talk.

"Shape shifting is where someone can turn into anything. There are limits, though. For starters she cannot turn into a building or anything bigger than a building. When you start out, you have random transformations at random times which cannot be controlled until the shifter learns how to control it. Super speed is pretty much what it says. Mr. Allen and Mr. Affinity can use this power. With super speed, you can control the speed force which allows them to be able to time travel or travel to different worlds. Sit down, Ms. Riddle and I need Ms. Lupin." The professor said and I sat down. Delaney walked up and stood next to the professor.

"With the titanium girl, here, comes strength. She is very hard and very strong. She can lift a car and punch a hole through a sheet of solid steel. Now, Chirpy can control electricity. Which is useful. She can create balls of electricity in her hands and she can shoot it at anyone. Lastly there is Salem. The girl who has no power. Well, at least everyone thinks she has no power. If I'm honest, Salem here can bring people together. That is her power. She doesn't need to have strength or speed when she is already perfect like she is." Said the professor. 

The bell rang and we all got up from our seats. I started to head out but the professor stopped me.

"Don't you ever tell me what to do ever again! You hear me? Good now run along." She said and I walked out of the classroom. So weird. I headed to my dorm room and stayed there until it was time for dinner.

When I walked into the dining hall, I immediately went to sit by my friends. When I walked up, Charley smiled at me.

"Hey Aliana." He said. 

That made everyone stop and turn towards me.

"Just to make something clear. Its about what the professor said about this group being mine. This group isn't mine. We are a group together. We all own this group because we are all in it. I don't know why people think I'm so much more special than you guys but I'm not. We are all equal." I said.

They stared at me and Delaney spoke up.

"Wow. What was with the speech?" She asked with a smirk.

"Ehh I don't know. I normally suck at speeches." I said. 

Then we all started talking once more. We all laughed and smiled. We finally accepted that we weren't normal and that we were okay with that. Everything was going well.

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