Chapter 5: The History of the Fight

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Ender won the race by a mile and I reluctantly gave him the bragging rights. We went into the classroom and saw racks of weapons hanging on the walls, like shelves. I gasped in amazement. Ender did the same. I went slowly towards the racks and immediately, the bows and arrows caught my eye. There were five different arrow tips. There were Flame tips, black tips, poison laced tips, sharp tips, and small, knifelike, tips. I then looked at the bows. Most of them were either spruce or oak wood. The one that caught my gaze, however, was the redwood bow and arrow.

When the teacher walked into the room, I held the redwood bow in my hand. "Put that bow down!" The teacher roared. 

He had a flocculent visage and a sedulous attitude. His eyes bore into mine. I gently and cautiously put the redwood bow back on the weapons rack. Then I ambled towards the rest of the group. "I am Professor Eric. This is a class where you will learn about the history of weapons and weapon tactics. Can anyone tell me one of the first weapons used by humans?" He asked

No one raised their hands. He glared at me as if daring me to answer. I felt uncomfortable that he just eyeballed me. I glanced away. I could feel his eyes boring into me again. Then I remembered something I had learned in my world history class at my old school. I raised my hand. Everyone stared at me as if I was deranged.

"Yes Aliana?" He asked

"The answer is the spear." I replied

"Correct. Now all of you will be choosing a weapon. You may only choose once. Once you choose you may not change. You will and you must, stick with it until the very end; Therefore, you will have to make sure you know exactly what you want to use. Get to culling!"

So we did. Bilbo went for the knives, Ender wanted to do the ninja stars, Charley grabbed a revolver, Delaney grabbed the AK-47, Chirpy wanted the Katana, Salem wanted the poison tipped spear, and I choose the redwood bow with the black tip arrows.

After we choose our weapons, we got familiar with it. So, I shot at targets. Out of fifteen arrows I did OK. I got five in the white near the center. two in the black, three in the blue, and five in the red. I got none in the yellow but I was sure i'd do better next time. Or at least, I was hoping I would be. After that, I realized that everyone else was doing an OK job at their weapons too. Ender was having trouble with the correct grip of the ninja stars. Bilbo was trying to decide how to throw the knifes. Chirpy tried getting a feel of how the katana felt in her hand when she swung it. Delaney wanted to see how much kick the AK-47 had, and Charley shot the revolver several times. Salem practiced holding the spear and threw it.

When the bell rang, we all groaned. This was one class we actually liked. So, on to our next class I guess. This day was going by moderately slow. I didn't know how much more of this "special" thing I could do. I sighed and hung the bow and arrows back on the rack, then raced towards the next class.

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