Chapter 3: Physical Science

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I walked into the classroom and there were only seven other students. I looked around at all the confused faces. I saw Charley and Ender sitting next to each other. The teacher wasn't in the room yet, so I went to find a desk.

I sat behind a girl with black hair. She turned around and looked at me as I put my book bag down next to the desk. 

"Hello, i'm Chirpy." the girl said.

"I'm Aliana." I greeted.

"Do you know why all eight of us are here?" she asked

"No, do you think this was a mistake the school made?" I asked

"I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was." Chirpy replied

I was about to ask her another question, but the teacher walked in. She was tall with long, flawless blonde hair, and black reading glasses hung from her neck on a chain. 

She cleared her throat, "Hello class. I'm Professor Walker or Mrs. Walker. I will be teaching you physical science." She paused for a moment and looked around. 

Many of the other students raised their hands, but the professor didn't acknowledge them. "I know you all have questions and I assure you, they will be answered. Now, we will be learning about what physical science is, today. Can anyone tell me what they think physical science is?" She looked around the room. 

Only one student raised his hand. It was Charley. A girl in the right corner of the room muttered nerd under her breathe. I wanted to give her a dirty look, but I didn't feel like that would get me anywhere.

"Physical science is any of the natural sciences dealing with inanimate matter or with energy, such as, physics, chemistry, and astronomy." Charley said eagerly as the professor called on him.

"Well done. What was your name?" Professor Walker asked.

"It's Charley, professor." he answered.

"Well class, Charley is absolutely correct. Can anyone tell me what the art of astronomy is?" she asked.

Everyone looked at Charley again. He had his hand raised high. I thought about it for a moment and raised my hand. As soon as I did, everyone stopped staring at Charley and stared at me. I felt awkward. The professor called on me. "Astronomy is the study of science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere."

"Good, now can anyone give me an example of astronomy?" Professor Walker asked.

A girl with brown hair raised her hand. Charley's hand shot up once again. I decided to let others answer this since I answered the last one.

"Yes, Delaney?" The Professor asked

"The study of stars, galaxies, and planets." she stated

"Good job. Now, can anyone tell me why you are all in a class of physical science with only eight students?" the professor asked.

No one raised their hand. We all looked towards Charley to answer, but it appeared that even smart, nerdy, geeky Charley didn't know the answer to this one. 

The Professor sighed and answered her own question. "You are here because you eight are very important and very special. All of you will have all of the same classes. No one else will have the same classes, so get used to having these eight as your classmates. As for your schedules, they are accurate and you cannot have any of the classes changed. You are stuck with each other until the end of your senior year when you graduate, so I'd start becoming friends now. There is absolutely no discussing what you do in these classes to anyone outside of the classes. If you do, there will be serious consequences. Do you understand?" We all nodded and the bell rang. 

"Class dismissed." Professor Walker said.

I gathered my books and walked over to the girl called, Delaney. "Hello." I said with a smile.

"Hi." she said.

"What's your name?" I asked even thought I already knew.

"My name's Delaney, but everyone calls me Del." she replied.

"I'm Aliana. You can call me Ali if you want." I said.

"Well, nice to meet you, Ali." Del said. 

Del gathered her books and we headed to the next class together. This was going to be a long high school experience. I didn't understand why all of this was so secretive. I mean, the classes are fucked up and all, but I wasn't allowed to change that. I sighed. I'm going to have to introduce myself to the others and do as the professor said. Become friends. The truth was, I didn't know who to become friends with first. Questions started popping into my head again. Why can't we talk about the classes? Why are we special? How are we important?

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