Chapter 9: Lunch

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I walked in and saw everyone sitting at a table already. I walked over and sat down.

"Hey." they all said in unison. It was kind of scary.

"Hey guys. We really need to talk about this team thing." I replied

"Yea,  I agree." Del said

"What's there to talk about though?" Salem asked

"Well, first off, Who's the leader?" Charley asked

"How about we vote." I suggested

"T-that's a g-good i-idea." Bilbo said.

"Alright we'll vote. Should we nominate people?" Chirpy asked

"Sure, why not?" Ender answered

"Alright, so we can go around and nominate one person." I said

Salem nominated Herself. Delaney nominated Chirpy and Chirpy nominated me. Bilbo nominated Charley. Charley Nominated himself. Ender nominated me.

"Okay...So we vote on Charley and I." I replied

"Alright." Salem said

We voted and when we finished Charley won.

"Well, that was...unexpected." Charley said honestly surprised

" You're the leader now so what do we do Charley?" Delaney asked

"We need a name," Charley said "any ideas?"

"The Fantastic Seven." Delaney said

"That's too close to Fantastic Four." Charley replied. Delaney frowned at him, but didn't argue. 

"Any others?" Charley asked

"Super Emo Vane Emo Nun." Salem said "Or otherwise known as S.E.V.E.N."

Everyone laughed. "What?" Salem asked

"Thats the funniest thing I've ever heard." Charley said

"A-alright g-guys. No i-idea is a b-bad o-one." Bilbo said.

"Seriously, we need a name." Charley said.

"Super Squad." Chirpy suggested

"That's a good one." Ender said.

"Alright that's an option." Charley said. "Any others?"

"The Seven Soldiers." Del suggested

"It's great!" We all said in unison

"The Seven Soldiers it is then." Charley said.

The bell rang and we all jumped up out of our seats talking together on the way to our class. I believed we were going to have a great start on this hero thing.


Authors note: Thanks to Delaney for helping me on the name. The Seven Soldiers was all her.

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