Chapter 15: Ender The II

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In about two weeks, the next futuristic character came to the school. He smiled when he came through the portal of our school. Charley wasn't there, but I was. Everyone in the cafeteria screamed and shouted as he entered the school. I heard panicked yelps and looked at all scared eyes. I clenched my fist and stared at the newcomer. How dare he come into our school. How dare he scare my friends, the students, and the teachers. 

Bilbo, Charley, Ender, Chirpy, and Delaney, were all away on another mission. They went to go and fight off a man who was made of lava. Salem walked towards me and stood by my side. I glanced at her and saw she was ready for a fight. 

The boy smiled and a turned towards Salem and I. Everyone else had ran out of the cafeteria scared for their lives. He smirked and walked towards us. I sped up to him and attempted to knock him down, but was intercepted by his hand. I frowned and he threw me into Salem. He stood above us and smiled.

"I am not here to hurt you." He said

"Who are you?!" Salem demanded

"Who am I? Why..I am Ender's son. The name's Ender the Second." He said. 

Salem and I sat dumbfounded. That would explain the speed, I thought.

"What do you want?" I asked

"I want to stop something that happens in this timeline that will make another event happen in my generation." He said.

"What will happen?" Salem asked

"It's better if I don't tell you." He said

"We can't let you change the future." I stood up and stepped in front of him.

"Oh? And what are you going to do to stop me?" He asked. 

I stood my ground in front of him and smiled.

"I don't care if you are Ender's son, I will not let you do this. I'll kill you if I have to." I glared at him

He smiled at this, "You'd kill your own son? That's just vile." 

I sat dumbfounded. There was nothing I could say to that. I frowned and Salem watched in horror as I was taken. I still said nothing and didn't bother trying to fight. I was still trying to think of what this meant. He set me down in town and I snapped to attention. I ran towards him attacking his side, but he just stepped out of the way and laughed.

"You know...You are really slow compared to me, Mom." He said smirking.

I groaned and ran and ran. I wouldn't stop attacking him and I wasn't going to give up, either. He dodged all of my attempts, but I had one more move up my sleeve.

He yawned, "Do you give up?"

"Never." I hissed at him. 

I didn't care if he was my son, I was going to kick his little ass back to where he came from. I ran in circles around him his smile fell as he lost ability to breath. I slowed down to allow him some air. Then, I knocked him out and sped back to the lab. I ran into the attic and saw the team had returned. Salem was frantically trying to tell everyone to come after me. I smiled as I entered with, Ender the II, in my grasp.

"You had me worried!" Salem yelled at me.

My smiled fell, "I'm sorry Salem."

She smiled, "It's fine. At least you kicked his ass right?"

I kinda laughed, "Heh..well it wasn't like that at first." I admitted 

"Oh. So, he was kicking your ass." She smirked

"Something like that." I laughed.

Charley glared at us and I immediately stopped laughing.

"Who is this?" He asked gesturing to Ender the II.

"This is Ender the II, from the future. He's Enders son." I left out the part out of how I was the mother. Salem started, "and he's-" I elbowed her in the ribs and she hissed at me.

"He's what?" Delaney asked looking between us suspiciously. 

"He's a speedster." Salem said and looked at me.

I smiled at her gratefully, but she gave me a look of 'you owe me.' I sighed and handed Ender the II to Charley.

"I have a son?!" Ender asked flabbergasted

"You do." Delaney stated

"And I name him Ender the II?" He asked

"You do." Salem said

"I am such a great father." He smiled to himself. 

"I'm going to take him back to where he came from. Aliana care to help?" Charley asked

Ender whined, "Why can't I help?!"

"Because he's your son. We can't have you seeing your older self." Charley said.

"Oh alright." Ender huffed disappointed.

Charley opened a time portal looking thing and we jumped through it. I didn't know what I expected on the other side, but I knew it wasn't going to be good.

Hey guys! I know this book is taking a turn into a more futuristic book, but don't worry all this future stuff will be gone in a few chapters or so. So bear with me here. Hope you enjoyed it!!

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