Chapter 18: The Planned Attack

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I felt a tap on my shoulder and jolted awake. Delaney was standing in front of the couch.

"It's time, Charley told me to get everyone up." She said

"Alright." I yawned and got up. 

I changed into all black clothes to help me blend in with the shadows of the night. Then I headed to the attic to await everyone else.

When I got to the attic, Bilbo and Salem weren't there. Charley was wearing his super suit, but he had it cloaked in black. Ender was wearing something similar to Charley only his suit was more of a gray color. Delaney walked past me and over to the guys. They were on the computer staring at the location and possible directions we could take.

"The fastest way to get there would be Ender, Aliana, and I speed everyone there. What do you think, Del?" Charley asked

"Sounds like a plan. I want to make this man pay for taking Chirpy." Delaney said and popped her knuckles in an intimidating way. 

I heard the sound of the closet door open and turned to see Bilbo and Salem walking into the room.

"That's everyone." I called

"Alright, so here's what we're going to do. Ali, Ender, and I will speed you all there. Once we get to the warehouse, we will use the vents to move through it, unseen. I will stay at the front door waiting for the signal to go inside. While I'm waiting, you guys are getting into your positions. Some of you can hide behind barrels and others of you can hide on the rafters in the ceiling. When you give me the signal, I'll walk in and draw Gunther's attention away from Chirps. That's when half of you guys will go to get Chirps and the other half will help me fight Gunther." Charley said going over the plan.

"Then let's do this." Salem said

When we arrived at the warehouse, I walked up to the water spout and climbed it. Salem and Bilbo followed me. Ender and Delaney went to the other side of the warehouse and climbed up from there. When we reached the top, I opened the vent. Salem went first, then Bilbo, and lastly me. I closed the vent behind us and crawled towards them. We crawled for what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes before we finally found an entrance into the warehouse. Salem opened the vent and dropped down onto the metal rafter. Bilbo followed her and then it was my turn. I jumped out of the vent and onto the metal rafter. We walked carefully towards the small office area. Salem broke the glass and we climbed in through the window. We waited here for the signal. I tapped my earpiece and listened to everyone on the com. I instantly heard voices of people.

"-Delaney and I have our places now we need to wait for Aliana, Salem, and Bilbo." I heard Ender say

"We are ready." I told them

"Alright well here it goes." Charley said.

I cut off the com and watched as Charley came into view. Gunther was standing in the middle of the warehouse with Chirpy in a tank filled with water. She wasn't moving and her clothes were burnt. Charley walked up to Gunther and Gunther smiled a malicious smile.

"Ahh, Charley Allen. You came after all. I was starting to think you would let your friend here suffer the pain." Gunther said

"I would never let my friend bare my pain." He said

"Well then, did you come alone like I asked?" Gunther asked and peered around the warehouse as if to spot someone hiding in the shadows. The joke was on him. We weren't hiding in places where people would hide normally. 

"I came alone." Charley told him

Gunther smiled, "You're more ignorant than I thought."

"Ignorant? I am not ignorant. I am an insane genius." Charley said proudly

"You came alone. That was stupid, but I stay true to my word. I'll let your friend go if you choose to take her place. Charley took a deep breath and I turned the com back on to wait for his signal. He opened his eyes and examined Gunther.

"Now!" I heard him yell through the com.

Salem, Bilbo, and I ran towards him to help him fight Gunther while Del and Ender went to free Chirpy. Charley sped circles around Gunther and Gunther blindly shot electricity. I saw Bilbo taking his time taking his gloves off. I groaned, but saw a flash of lighting pass by me headed straight towards Bilbo. I ran and pushed him out of the way. I fell down and he fell down as well. Salem cried out when she saw us fall.

"Are you guys okay?!" She asked

"We're fine Salem keep your head in the game!" I yelled. I quickly got up and zoomed off again. I got a few punches and kicks on Gunther. He struck Salem in her robotic equipment and she stood shocked. Literally she was shocked. Bilbo put his gloves back on and caught her as she fell unconscious. 

"Bilbo! Get her out of here!" I yelled. He nodded and started running towards the door. I heard the com go off again.

"We freed Chirps." I heard Delaney say

"Salem's b-been e-electrocuted." Bilbo said.

"We are outside. I see you guys! Over here." Ender said.

I guessed he was talking to Bilbo and Salem. I looked at Charley and kept pounding Gunther with my fists. 

"We need to go!" Charley yelled at me through the com

"No, we have to finish this now." I told him

"Aliana-" he started, but he was cut off. A burst of electricity filled the room and I gasped as the tingling sensation of electricity flowed through my body. I saw Charley struggling with the same thing.

"You guys need to leave." Charley called out to the weakly

"We cannot leave you guys!" Delaney yelled

"Go! Get yourselves out of here. It won't do any good if you guys gets hit too." I said

"Aliana, we can't leave you two." Ender said

"Go." I told them.

"I-I'll g-get them h-home." Bilbo told me.

"Thanks.." I said.

The com was shut off and I looked towards Charley. Both of us were half conscious. I felt my knees give out and I fell to the floor. I barely heard Gunther's evil laugh. My vision blurred and my ears started to ring. The last thing I saw, was Gunther advancing towards me and then I blacked out.

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