Chapter 6: Training

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I was the first one to the next class. The teacher, Professor Saline, was holding a metal detector in her hand when I walked in. I looked at her confused, but she just smiled at me and motioned for me to sit down. So, I did exactly that.

When everyone else came into the class, I saw that on all of their faces there was puzzlement. I looked at the schedule. Training. Training for what, saving the world? I laughed at myself because of the question. I sat next to Delaney and Bilbo. I looked at them as if to ask, Do you know why she has a metal detector?  Bilbo shook his head and Delaney did the same. I sighed. They weren't any help. I tapped Charley on the shoulder since he was in front of me. He looked back at me, his eyes a question. No, I don't have any idea either.  I answered him silently. Charley nodded as if he understood and turned back around in his chair.

Finally the teacher spoke. "Hello Class, I am Professor Saline as many of you know. You have all come into my room with perplexity on your faces. Well, your perplexity is about to be explained. You might have had weird and unexplainable things happen to you over the last few days or maybe even weeks. There is a reason behind it all. So, without further ado, I will use this metal detector to detect the titanium girl in the room." She said with a smile on her face. 

Delaney looked at me with fear in her eyes. I guessed I knew who the titanium girl was now. Professor Saline turned on the metal detector and started moving it around the room near the girls. She went towards Salem first. The metal detector didn't beep. So, she came to me next. The same result. Lastly she went to Del with the detector. It beeped wildly. Del's eyes changed from fear to panic.

Professor Saline smiled, "Here is our Titanium Girl. Delaney Lupin. She c an change into titanium, she's super strong, and a little panicky at the moment. Now," she said as she put the detector down and picked up a speedometer, "I want all of you to line up on that wall. When I call on you to go, you will run as fast as you possibly can. Got that?" Everyone nodded and headed towards the wall she pointed at. 

"Alright first up, Bilbo Baggins." Bilbo ran and got to the other side. Professor Saline frowned and marked it in her notebook. 

"Delaney, I forgot to say you could stay at your seat. Sorry for the confusion." She watched as Del sat back down.

"Salem Serket." Salem ran faster than Bilbo, but it wasn't enough for Professor Saline. She frowned slightly at Salem and marked in her notebook. 

"Chirpy." Chirpy ran, but again Professor Saline frowned as if she wasn't impressed. Chirpy rolled her eyes and started talking to Salem in a hushed voice. 

"Aliana Riddle." She said with amusement in her voice. WHY? Why the hell is my name so amusing to all of these people? I ran. She smiled slightly at my performance and I shook my head. My running wasn't any different than Chirpy, Salem, Del, or Bilbo. 

"Ender Affinity." Ender ran as fast as he could. He made it to the end of the wall in a half of a second. Professor Saline whistled. "So, I guess we found our second speedster. Lastly Charley Allen." 

Charley ran fast. He was apparently the first speedster? I wasn't sure how many speedsters there were. I was impressed by Charley's running speed. I hadn't even seen him move. One moment he was at the wall opposite us, and the next he's on our side of the classroom. We stared in awe at Charley's speed. Then I remembered what show I had tried to remember when talking to him earlier. The Flash. If I had known that the show was a real life story, I would have freaked out even more than I did. He was definitely faster than Barry Allen. "Well, done Charley. I'm guessing you are related to Barry?" Saline asked with a smile.

"Yes, ma'am." Charley replied, his face glowing with pride.

Professor Saline made everyone return to their seats. She grabbed a live dove from a cage on her desk. "Now. I want the rest of you to come and touch the bird. Bilbo, you have to take those gloves off for this experiment." she said making Bilbo take them off. Bilbo frowned.

Salem, Chirpy, Bilbo, and I walked up to the bird. Chirpy touched the dove first. Nothing happened. Our professor just watched intently not making a sound. I was next. I touched the soft plumage of the dove. Again, nothing happened. I didn't see the point to it, but apparently Professor Saline did. Next up was Salem. She touched the bird and nothing happened. Lastly was Bilbo. He hesitated. He seemed afraid to touch the bird. Professor Saline urged him on. "It's Okay, you can touch the bird. It won't hurt you." she said with a nasty grin on her face. 

Bilbo looked very nervous and his hands were shaking. He reached out and touched the bird and as if it was a reflex, the bird died. Everyone gasped in awe and horror as the dove fell to the ground lifeless. Bilbo stared at the bird and picked it up. He caressed the dead carcass of the bird promising to give it a proper burial.

"Bravo, Bilbo. Ladies and gentlemen your Death by Touch Man." Bilbo deliberately avoided her gaze. 

"Now who's left?" she asked. Chirpy, Salem, and I raised our hands. 

"Good, Good. Now, i'm going to hand you all a metal pole." Chirpy started to panic. "Then I will pour water over the pole and your hand and see what happens." Professor glanced in Chirpy's direction and smiled nefariously.

Chirpy glared at her refusing to buy into it. Professor Saline handed us the pole and then poured water on Salem's. Nothing happened. Then she poured water on mine. Nothing resulted with it. Chirpy was reluctant to let the professor pour water on her, but in the end she was forced to. We heard an electric shock and a whimper from Chirpy. "Our Electric girl." Professor Saline said smiling. Chirpy was clutching her hand from the shock.

"Did it feel good Chirpy?" Professor Saline pressed.

"No." Chirpy answered through gritted teeth

"You want another one?" Professor Saline asked smiling maliciously.

"No." Chirpy answered fearfully. Professor Saline walked away from her and grabbed more water. 

"Now I want Aliana, only to react to this." Professor Saline said. Me? What does she want me to do? Heck, I didn't know what to do- At that moment she poured the whole water bottle on chirpy's head. My anger got the best of me. I felt the sensation again and heard a rumbling wave of water. When it was over I was soaked, as was Professor Saline. Professor Saline smiled and gave chirpy a towel. "Our Shapeshifter." Professor Saline said gesturing to me. Shapeshifter? Thats what I am? I guess it made sense.

"So, you must be the girl without powers." Professor Saline said to Salem.

"I guess?" Salem answered unsure of what to say.

"You are all a squad. It has been prophesied that you be a team. So, you better start learning how to be a team. I'll go over the powers and the people again. Delaney the Titanium Girl, Ender and Charley the Speedsters, Bilbo the Death by Touch man or Death Touch, Chirpy the Electric, Aliana the Shapeshifter and Speedster, and Salem the girl with mad fighting skills. You will all be learning how to perfect your powers in this class. Now can you see how you are special? Now can you visualize what heroes you will be? I'm sure you can." Professor Saline said and then the bell rang.

I'm a shapeshifter and a speedster. Well whatever. So, I've got superpowers? Who cares? The world that's who. The antagonists of each superhero care as well. We are a team? Well, we needed a meeting to discuss all of this. We had lunch now so I guessed i'd speak with them. I headed to my locker and then ran to the lunch room.

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