Chapter 24: See Each Other Again

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We placed Madeline in the care of the school nurses. They took her straight to the hospital and that's where Noah and I were now. My little brother looked beaten up. His expression showed pain and I didn't know what to say. This girl probably wouldn't make it. The doctors said they would do everything they could but they weren't sure if she would survive their attempts. I knew it was news no one wanted to hear.

We took her to the lab first but there wasn't anything we could do to help her. All the medicines in the lab were for third degree burns and the ice couldn't be melted by the simple heater we had. We had no choice, but to take her to the hospital. They didn't question why she was covered in ice and burns. We made sure to give her something that made her blood stay like a normal humans instead of giving the doctors the meta-human gene.

The doctor came towards us and all of us got up. He looked at us and shook his head.

"Follow me if you want to see her." He said

"Is she going to die?" Noah asked

"I'm afraid we cannot do anything else to help her. The ice won't melt. Its squeezing her torso and we cannot break it." The Doctor said

"I think I can help." Delaney said

"How so?" The doctor asked

"I have a friend that could help. I'll be back." Delaney walked out of the hospital and came back in her titanium form.

"Who are you?" The doctor asked

"My name is Titanium. Where's the girl?" Del asked

"Right this way." The doctor didn't question it.

We walked to Madeline's hospital room and Del was going to be as hard and as careful as she could. She walked over to Madeleine's bed and punched the ice. A crack formed in it and Noah's face lite up.

"Hit the ice again." He said

"Be careful, Del. If you hit the ice too hard you could puncture her lung." Charley warned
Del punched the ice again careful not to harm Madeline in the process.

After a little while all the ice was on the ground and Madeline's breathing started to go normal. Everyone sighed in relief and then she opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" she asked

"The hospital, Maddie." Noah said

"Noah?" Madeline asked

"I'm here. You're father can't keep us separate anymore." Noah said next to her on the hospital bed.

"Thank you Madeline. You saved a lot of people." Charley said

"I feel bad for killing him. I know he was a cruel man, but he was my father after all." She said

"What you are feeling is normal." I said

"So what should we do now?" Chirpy asked

Charley's watch beeped and we smiled.

"T-there's a-an a-attack on c-central c-city with f-flying s-shards of g-glass." Bilbo said

"Ready team?" Ender asked

Chirpy, Delaney, Charley, Salem, Ender, Bilbo, and I ran into action. We ran into the city to find a man moving sharp shards of glass with his mind towards the citizens. Chirpy ran forwards and shot lightning at him. He was caught off guard and fell down with a groan. Charley, Ender, and I race forward with a surge of energy and rapid punched him.

"Watch out!" Del called as she punched the shards of glass breaking them before they could harm the citizens more.

Salem was also shooting at the glass shards with her new laser that Charley had made for her turning the glass into a substance that looked like snow.

Bilbo walked over and touched the glass shards one by one with his hands making them turn to nothing.

Charley grabbed the man and sped Iron Heights to keep the meta locked up. When it was all over, we walked back to the attic.

We looked at how far we had come and we were ready for the next big threat that may come into our lives. A new threat that would encourage us to defend our city. The headmaster came clean and explained that we only got scholarships because a prophesier told her to. That prophesier was General Grant. We had defeated him and we had fulfilled the prophecy on us that we hadn't known about. Our lives changed for the better and we were successful.

We gained two more members to the team. Madeline and Noah decided that they wanted to join our team. As the years went on, we started to go our separate ways, but we were all still fighting crime. Our team broke up when we graduated and we all went to different colleges.

Years later, I moved back to Central City and found that Bilbo, Charley, Ender, and Delaney had moved back as well. We created a group. Another group to defend the city. We were The Elite Alliance. We were going to be superheroes again.

I never really realized that the school was Super Hero High School until a few months ago. The headmaster had named it differently to fit the prophecy. It was Originally Central City High School. Charley had apparently known the whole time and decided not to tell the rest of us. I sent out the message in a group text to everyone. I got several replies and many of us wanted to see each other again. Eventually we did.

Everyone came back to Central City after that text was sent out and we became a group again. Chirpy and Delaney went to teach at the school. Bilbo played piano in the library. Charley and Ender became Forensic scientists. I became a reporter and worker in the lab with them as an assistant. Salem worked at a beauty kiosk in the mall. Noah and Madeline started a coffee shop together and we went there regularly.

Our group will never be forgotten by us. The people may forget about us, but we won't. We are all together and that's all I needed to know. My life was changed in high school. That made all the difference.


So, this was the last chapter in the book. I hope you all enjoyed it. I had so much fun writing this book and I wanted to thank all of you for being supportive. Have a wonderful day!


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