Chapter 23: The Escape and The Girl

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Noah went out of the room and created an illusion of himself bringing us towards his master. I walked against the wall and followed Noah as he led us towards the exit. We went down four flights of stairs and about fifty million hallways before finally reaching the door.

Noah's hands were moving back and forth in front of him and he would mouth words to himself as if he was speaking.

I opened the door and we walked outside. Noah's eyes went from a clear color to his normal blue as he tried to focus on a new hallucination. His eyes went clear again and the hallucinations started in all the men's head. Noah led it out of the compound and then turned around to go back.

I looked at Charley and he stayed quiet. I sighed and looked towards the compound waiting for Noah to appear with the rest of the prisoners. I heard a familiar voice behind me and I turned around.

"Missed us?!" She called

Charley got up and turned around in disbelief.

"How? How did you guys find us?" He asked

"Do you even know who you are talking to Charley?" Ender asked

"Uh, yes. I wouldn't have thought you would figure it out." Charley said

"Oh, Charley! Don't worry about that now!" I said

"You are right. You're right. We should see what's taking Noah so long." He said

"Who's Noah?" Chirpy asked

"Yes, who is this Noah?" Salem asked

"I'm Noah." He said and walked up towards him with a group of prisoners.

"But-why are you here?!" Delaney asked

"What do you mean?" Charley asked

"He was at the school. He talked to us." Ender said

"He helped us find you." Chirpy added

"That my friends was a hallucination. I was controlling it and by using clues, I was able to help you figure out the riddle." Noah said

"So, when you met us at first, it wasn't real?" Salem asked

"No, it was real the first few times." Noah told them

"Can we get out of here?" A woman called

"Yes, please." Another said

"G-guys." Bilbo said

We turned to him and he touched the ground inside the compound. The shadows started to glide across the compound placing it in an eerie state. We heard men screaming and others coughing. We couldn't see what was happening, but we knew death was upon all the people still inside the compound.

"What was that?" A man called out

"That was the shadow of death." Delaney said

"Let's get these people out of here." I said

We ran out of the house and went as far away as we could. When we finally thought we were somewhat safe, we started a slower pace. We saw a forest in front of us and started to stalk towards it. We walked along in the woods and the trees towered above us. The wind started to pick up and the smell of rain was in the air. Thunder could be heard off in the distance.

The tension started to thrum through the air as we neared the edge of a meadow. There was a humming sound and then a sound of an engine. A small biplane landed in the meadow and Gunther came out of it with machine guns. General Grant came out as well and smirked at the escapees.

"Thought you could escape me so quickly, eh?" He asked

Noah stood his ground in front of everyone and I walked next to him on his right. Charley, to his left and one by one all the escapees were in one huge line, a wall of meta-humans, if you will.

Gunther and General Grant smiled and then out of the plane came a girl with the ability to make things defy gravity. She smiled wickedly and walked towards them.

"Read to kick their asses, sir." She said

"Good." Gunther smiled

"Madeline!" Noah called

She turned to look at him, "Noah?"

"Hey Maddie, yea it's me. You are making a big mistake." He said

She bit her lip and stared at Gunther and General Grant.

"Maddie, join me, join us." Noah had this look in his eyes and I felt sorry for him.

He loved the girl and I could tell. The way she looked at him told me she loved him too.

"I-" She started, but then she attacked Gunther's face making his head float upwards and his body stay on the ground. Noah called out to her, but she said nothing and eventually Gunther's head flew off of his body. Blood sprayed everywhere and Madeline started towards General Grant.

Everyone in the wall approached him with her and he looked frightened for once in his life.

"Maddie, sweetheart, don't do this." General Grant told her

"You took Noah away from me, dad." She said

Everyone stopped and looked at her with wide eyes. Hatred boiled inside many of the prisoner's eyes. Fire, water, ice, and everything else was thrown towards them.

"Madeline!" Noah yelled and ran towards her.

"Noah!" I called and ran after him

He reached Madeline before the crowd did. I zoomed past the crowd and stopped next to them. Madeline was on the ground with burns on her skin and ice around her chest.

"Stop guys!" I yelled

The prisoners stared at me, but they didn't stop. They attacked General Grant and he went down in a sea of meta-humans. His screams were cut abruptly and I let in a deep breath.

"Our work here is done." One of the metas said. They scattered and went back home.

I looked at Madeline and saw she was extremely pale. Noah was sitting in the dirt next to her.

"Madeline, Maddie please.. You guys have to help her." Noah looked up desperately at us

"We don't have anything to help her. We have things at my lab though." Charley said

"Please do everything you can." Noah said

Ender picked Madeline up and we all raced back to the attic. I hoped we could save her and I'm sure everyone else did too.

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