Chapter 4: Physical Education (PE)

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I walked into a weird looking gym with everyone else. I went over to a kid and sat next to him.

"What's with all this equipment?" I asked him

"O-oh...I-I don't k-know." He replied with a stutter.

"I'm Aliana." I said, ignoring his stutter.

"I'm Bilbo." he replied. 

He had gloves on his hands and he was very careful not to touch anyone. I thought that was weird at the time, however, I didn't acknowledge it to him. I just smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Bilbo." I said.

"Y-you t-too Aliana." He said. 

Another girl walked up to us. She was blushing so much I thought her head would burst.

"Hello." she said

"Hey, I'm Aliana." I said

"I'm Salem." she said not even looking at me. 

She was looking at Bilbo. Bilbo didn't say anything about her staring. He just went back to his book. Salem frowned and ran off.

The teacher came in fifteen minutes late. "All right you Maggots. Get off your asses and come here." He yelled. 

We obeyed. It took all of us a half a second to get there. This new teacher was a little intimidating and scary. "I am Coach Johnson. You can call me Coach. You will not have it easy in this class. You will lift weights, run suicides, do push ups and pull ups, lunges, and so much more things that all the kids dread. This is physical education or PE. You will have your asses worked when I'm done with you lot. I'm hoping to have at least one of you pass out every class. So, get your tails on the line and start sprinting! If I see someone lagging behind, i'll whip their tail! So get moving!" He yelled. 

We sprinted suicides for the rest of the class. Coach Johnson succeeded  at having someone pass out. Ender had passed out after the fifteenth lap. Out of all of us, Charley was the fastest. I had never seen anyone move as fast as he did. Ender was definitely in dead second. Everyone stared at Charley as he finished his eighteen suicides in two seconds. Coach Johnson was so shocked he ran out of the room.

The bell rang and I headed towards Charley. "How did you do that?!"

"I don't know. It was that thing I told you about where the world slowed down and I kept going." he replied and headed out of the gym.

I walked over to Bilbo, but Salem beat me to him. They walked out of the gym together talking about books. Salem was blushing like crazy and Bilbo was just talking away. I sighed and prepared to walk alone when Ender walked up. "So they finally got you conscious, huh?" I said

"Yea, I'm so mad that I passed out in front of everyone." He said, his face dripping with sweat.

"Well, a couple more minutes and I think we all would have been on the floor." I replied.

"Yea yea yea Let's get to our next class." He said and added. "I'll race you there!"

"You're on!" I replied and ran towards the class.

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