Chapter 16: The Future Allen

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Up above is the house they go to. Now onto the story.

Charley and I said goodbye to everyone before holding hands. I refused to let him carry me since the only way for us to get into the future was by running. We had to have some kind of contact so we wouldn't lose each other in the speed force. Charley and I had never been into the future, but Charley said he knew how to do it. Ender the II protested against us taking him back, but he had no choice. 

I took him aside and forced him. Even though this is the past, I apparently scare him. I'm a scary mother in the future. It was quite comical really. Me, telling him to listen to me because I was his mother. It was funny, but weird.

I was on Charley's right and Ender the II was on his left. We started running really fast in a circle, all of us holding hands. When we got fast enough, Charley yelled towards us over the wind. We took off into a straight line down the road before running into a blue portal looking thing. 

We skidded to a stop and looked around. It was definitely Central City. The only difference was it looked more upgraded. I would tell you there were flying cars, but I'm going to disappoint your mind. There weren't any flying cars. However, there were hoverboards that actually hovered off the ground. I gasped as a boy riding a hoverboard collided with me, knocking us both to the ground. He mumbled a lot of sorrys here and there. I sighed and looked up at him. He looked familiar somehow, but I couldn't put the pieces together.

"Ryker!!!" Ender the II yelled

"Ender?" The boy named Ryker looked towards him.

"Yeah." Ender the II answered.

"Dude.. you found yourself a cute girlfriend." The boy said. 

I gagged and I could hear Charley stifling in a laugh. I glared at him which made him shut up in an instant. Ender looked disgusted and shook his head.

"No, no Ryker, she's not my girlfriend." He said

"Then, that means she's not taken?" Ryker asked hopefully.

"Excuse me?! I am sitting right here?! Could you get this damn thing off of me?!" I yelled. 

The hoverboard was on my leg and I couldn't lift it. Ryker's eyes went wide in realization and he quickly got the hoverboard off my leg.

"Thanks." I mumbled

"I am so sorry." He said

"Who's your father?" Charley asked randomly

"His name is Charley Allen, sir." Ryker said. Now it was my turn to stifle in a laugh. Charley glared at me and I immediately stopped.

"Who's your mother?" Charley asked again.

"Oh no. You are not going to find out who you marry." Ender the II said as he dragged Charley away. Charley protested and I laughed. He is definitely my son.

"But Ender!" Charley whined

"Oh quit your yapping." I told him and smiled.

"You are the one who said knowing too much about the future isn't a good idea." Ender the II pointed out.

"He has a point." I said. Charley huffed a response.

We walked down the streets of Central City and saw all the changes. There were buildings that literally defied gravity. Most of the buildings were made of materials I hadn't even heard of. The city was more colorful, too. There were so many changes that would happen in the future. People still used cars, but the cars drove themselves. I overall, thought that was a little dangerous, but I didn't want to question the future. There were also teleport things where if you typed something in it, it would magically appear in front of you. 

After about forty five minutes we arrived at a cute suburban neighborhood. The houses were all craftsman style with the exception of a few colonial style homes. We walked down the street onto another one. There were thirteen houses in the small subdivision that attached to the neighborhood. 

We walked a few more minutes before stopping in front of a colonial style house. The brick house had a side garage that faced the side of the house so the bricks were shown in the front. Two chimney looking features sprouted up from the roof. There was a lake in the back of the house and the yard had nice green grass. I stopped and gazed in awe at the wooden door. The porch had columns on it with many outdoor furniture chairs. I couldn't help, but smile. Charley was frozen in shock.

"Well, this is my house." Ender the II said.

"This house, is amazing." I said

"Well, dad did want to impress you, Mom." Ender the II said.

"Woah woah, mom?!" Charley asked staring at me. I frowned at Ender the II. He seemed to have realized he made a mistake and tried to fix it.

"Yea, Ender, my dad, made it perfect for my mom." He said

"You said Aliana was your mom." Charley said.

"Are you deaf or something?" Ender the II asked

"No! That's what I heard" he said staring at me.

"Ender, give it up." I said

"But-" he started I cut him off.

"This is where we leave you. Don't come back to the past. I'll explain to Charley. Now go inside." I said

"Alright." He said and headed towards his house. Charley grabbed my arm and sped us back into the past. He looked at me angrily.

"You should have told me he was your son as well!" Charley accused

"I didn't want you knowing my future." I stayed

"I didn't know that we would be jeopardizing the whole thing by bringing you." He muttered angrily.

"I'm sorry Char." He said

He sighed, "I know you are. Next time, don't forget to tell us an important detail."

"I won't." I told him.

"Good. Now let's go and tell the group we successfully got Ender the II back home." He said. 

He started to walked off but I grabbed him by his arm. He looked back at me with confusion.

"Don't tell Ender." I said.

"I won't." He smiled and headed back towards the door with me following him.

Yay a long chapter!! I owed it to you for yesterday's short chapter in my other book. So, here it was. Are you proud of me? Anyway, all this future stuff is over in the book in case you don't like that sort of think. For those who do, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Hope you enjoyed it.


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