Chapter 21: It's Time

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Noah's POV

I walked into the basement of the small house. I felt my way along the cold stone walls. The torchlit corridor was flickering shadows. I walked as my shadows blended in with the shadows made by the light. The stone glinted in the torch light making it look wet and glossy. I walked a little further down and heard the desperate cries of metahumans who had done nothing wrong. They were imprisoned in the dark and dank cells with stone everything. I ignored the pleas and cries of the innocent human beings with powers and walked on.

I wasn't heartless. I hated what I was doing to help my master. I felt pity for all of them. They didn't deserve the treatment they dealt with. Soon my sister and her friends will be down here.

I shook away the thought and pushed the wooden door open to my master's office.

"Come in, my boy." He smiled behind the desk

"Gunther has succeeded." I said

"Good..Go to him. Tell him I am ready for the
prisoners." My Master said

"Yes, Master." I told him.

I closed the door and walked back down the corridor. I walked up the stone stairs and into the house living room. Then out the front door and into the street.

When I arrived at the warehouse, Gunther was wasn't there to let me in. I could hear screams. Female screams. I winced at the sound and walked into the room. Gunther had my sister in a chair with her back faced towards him. He held a whip in his hand and there were scabs forming on her skin. I coughed and Gunther stopped his work.

"He looks similar to you Aliana! Except for the hair, his hair is black and yours is dark red." A boy called from behind bars.

I ignored him, "Gunther, my master says he's ready for them."

Aliana had turned around in her chair and pulled her shirt down.

"Who is he?" She asked

"Quiet, you! Or I'll give you another whipping" Gunther yelled at her.

She cowered back in the chair and curled in on herself. I felt pity for her. The boy, Charley, didn't have a shirt and his cuts and bruises were noticeable. Most of his cuts were done by a knife. I could tell by the way it was scarring, that Gunther poured rubbing alcohol and vinegar on them.

"I'll get them to your master as soon as possible." Gunther replied

"Alright. Just hurry, master doesn't like to be kept waiting." I said

"I will. You can go now Noah." Gunther said

Charley and Aliana both looked to me with desperate eyes. I'm sorry, I tried saying with a forced smiled.

I can't help you guys. After these two, Gunther will get the next two he can capture.

I turned the other way and walked out of the warehouse. I could hear the screams starting up again, but they were Charley's this time. I shook my head and ignored it. I always did. It is what I was taught to do. 


Charley's POV

I heard the whip slice through the air before I felt it crack against my skin. Aliana had fallen unconscious after the visit with the boy and Gunther didn't want to over do her torture. I'm relieved she doesn't have to go through any more pain for a few days until her whip markings disappear.

We needed to get out of here. Aliana knew that and I knew that, but we weren't strong enough to take all this torture and then try and escape.

Gunther was just a pawn. It dawned on me that someone else wanted us and it wasn't just Gunther. I didn't know who that boy was, but he sure looked like Aliana's father. He was a spitting image of her father. And he looked similar to Aliana. I feared that Aliana might have family she didn't know about.

I looked over at her. She was on a mat with her whip markings glowing bright red. I heard the air shift and then crack. Another whip slashed my body. I didn't give him the satisfaction of crying out this time. I knew what I had to do. I had to get that boy away from his master and free him. I had to free Aliana and I.

Another whip, another cut, and other bruise. It was the same everyday. If Gunther felt like he wanted something to do he'd torture us. For a about two weeks, we have been in this same schedule. Aliana is tough and I am too, but we can't handle too much. We might have healing ability, but what is the point when the wounds open up again everyday. We aren't invincible.

I heard Gunther place the whip on the table next to his papers and sigh.

"You are going to a man who shows no mercy. Even if you fall unconscious he will still do a number on your body." Gunther laughed like a maniac. Correction he is a maniac.

"We can handle it." I replied

"Ha! You think you can. You don't know much. That boy, Noah, he was kidnapped from his home when he was eight after his mother was murdered. He was raised as a slave to the old prophesier. Poor kid, I wouldn't have ever wish this life upon him, but here he is. He will hurt everyone he loves. You know why he looks like your friend over there?" Gunther paused and motioned to the heap that was Aliana.

"Yes." I answered simply although I had already figured it out.

"He's her younger brother. Bet you didn't see that coming." Gunther chuckled

"What power does he have?" I asked

"Ha! Power? He doesn't have a superpower. That's what the old man said." Gunther replied

"I'm sure he does." I answered

"Don't argue with me, Allen." He sneered

"Sorry." I told him

"Get back in the cage that is now your home." Gunther said and I got up.

I walked into the cage and sat down next to Aliana. I could feel the heat radiating off of her in waves. I knew her body was fighting off the wounds. I sighed, if she doesn't get help quick she will die. I could tell she had a fever. I wanted to help, but there wasn't anything I could do. There wasn't anything to put on the wounds.

The next morning, the truck came to take us away. I knew I had to do something and I had to do something fast. I needed to save us.

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