Chapter 19: We're Not Okay

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I thought this song would fit the chapter.
Now on with the story.
I woke up and looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. I frowned and the events came back to me. Charley and I had been captured. I started to panic because I couldn't see Charley, but when I looked behind me I realized he was still unconscious. I sighed in relief and looked around the cell. It was dark with only one window and the bars were coated with rust. I could hear the dripping pattern of water on the floor. The ceiling wasn't too low, but it wasn't high enough to be a normal ceiling. I crawled over to Charley and shook him. Nothing. I tried again. This time I got a cough out of him and his eyes fluttered open. 

"Where are we!" He asked

"In a jail cell." I told him

"Aliana, you shouldn't be here." He started

"Don't give me that crap. It's not like I choose to be here. I understand you don't want me or any of the team hurt by this guy, but that doesn't make it okay for you to get hurt." I said

He sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. I know they are worried about you and I."

"Now let's find a way out of this." I said

We walked around the cell trying to see if any of either of us could fit through the bars. Unfortunately, the bars were too narrow for something or someone to slip through them. Charley attempted to phase through the bars, but it didn't work. The bars had some chemical on it that wouldn't allow our powers to help us. I heard a familiar laugh and my head snapped up towards the middle of the room. Gunther stood smirking. I wanted to slap that smirk off his face even if it was the last thing I did.

"Let her go." Charley said

Gunther smiled showing a gold tooth, "Why should I?"

"She doesn't deserve the pain you want to give me." Charley said

"Char," I hissed, "Shut up."

"Oh really now? Well then. If her pain hurts you, then I've found the perfect way for revenge." He smirked

"Now you've done it." I whispered to him

"You can't!" Charley protested

"Oh, but I think I can. It's not like you can stop me. Your powers won't work." He smiled again and came close to the bars. Charley and I backed up so that we were only a few feet away from him.

"I love issuing fear in others." He commented

"Well little Missy. Time for your first shift of torture." He opened the door and grabbed my wrist. 

I tried fighting back, but he was too strong. Charley came to help, but Gunther shocked him with electricity. Gunther locked the cell back up tight and dragged me by my hair to the tank in front of us. He turned to Charley and thrust me to the ground. I painfully landed on my wrist and gritted my teeth.

"Now, your torture begins, Charley, with the torture of this girl who seems to mean a lot to you." Gunther smiled malevolently.

He grabbed my arm and jerked me towards the tank. He forced me inside and I stood up glaring at him. He only grinned at me. I wanted to punch that damn grin of his face. He closed the door to the tank and sealed it. He walked over to the machine and flipped a switch. Immediately water started to fill the tank. I looked down in panic. The water was rising quickly and was already up to my waist. I would have screamed, but I held it it. I wasn't going to let Gunther have the satisfaction. 

By now the water was up to my chest and I started to float. I tried to keep myself up above the water so I would have as much air as I could before it was taken away. The water was almost to the top of the tank and I took one last gulp of air before the water closed above my head. 

At first, I wasn't in any need to breathe, but then my lungs started to burn. I knew I needed air, but there wasn't any. I tried not to panic and I tried not to suck in any of the water. I felt myself starting to sink. My movements became slower and less urgent. My vision started to blur and black spots appeared at the edges of my vision. I could feel the water draining around me. I looked up and pushed myself towards the air. I coughed and sputtered when I reached the surface and just as fast as the water has risen it drained. I greedily gulped in great amounts of air. You never appreciate air until you can't breath.

Gunther came towards me and smiled. I knew what he was going to do. Charley had said his father half-drowned the victims and them electrocuted them. I awaited the pain and felt it. The shock of electricity made me gasp in pain. I could feel it traveling up my spine and around my body. I could feel myself screaming, but I couldn't hear it. Then, the pain stopped and I slumped against the glass of the tank. I could see Charley frantically calling my name and yelling curses at Gunther. I looked back to see Gunther in front of me.

"Well, that's enough torture for now." He said and dragged me back to the cell. 

I stayed on the floor not having the ability to even sit up. I was weak and I couldn't do much. Charley came over to me with eyes that held sorrow and guilt.

"I-it's o-okay Charley." I stuttered.

I realized I might lose the ability to talk normally if Gunther kept torturing me.

"It's not okay, Aliana. I'm not okay. You're not okay. We are not okay." He said

"I k-know, Charley, I-I know. W-We c-can get t-through this." I told him.

I felt darkness coming towards me as I slowly went into a sea of unconsciousness.

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