Chapter 2

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Naruto's PoV

For A shy five year old, I'm pretty smart for my age. Some of the villagers thought otherwise. I already know why they treat my family and I  this way, Okaa-chan and Otou-san told me many stories about the tale of our background not long ago. Something about a demon kitsune, and having to do with a curse... that's all I know. 

My mother called me downstairs, 'new people?' I'm not good with human contact. I was about head towards my brother's room before I went downstairs, but Also remembered he wasn't home. 'Must be at our secret hideout'

Making my way to the first floor, I grabbed my mother's hand and hid behind her.

I was taking peeks here and there until a lady, calming me down from my shyness. Building up my courage, Giving all I got and introduce my self like a 'regular child' would do. While I was standing in front of everyone I locked eyes with this boy who looks around my age. He smirked. Heat rushing to my little cheeks, rushing back to my mother. A small chuckle was heard as I ran.

The house was lively after my little intro, due to the loudness from my mother, and Mikoto. I couldn't help but sweat drop my father and Fukagu do the same.

The Same Duck Butt hair walked towards me and held out a hand.

"I'm Sasuke, nice to meet you....dobe." Said, with a smirk.

I know that I'm shy, but I couldn't help the words that escaped my mouth.

"T-teme!!"  Crap I stuttered. But shook his hand anyways.

"Now boys settle down, and play nice." Mikoto said, while Kushina  nodded in agreement.

"You guys go outside and play, while I whip up some snacks" The red-headed women gently push each kid out the house.

I guess being out side would be nice. The only time I go out is when I go to my secret base with Nii-San. Having no choice....

" S-so guys...what would you like to do?" I waited a few seconds but Sasuke nor Itachi didn't reply.

"Otouto, I'm are they un??" I looked up, thank god deidara is back. Maybe he can help me with this.

"Hey dei. these guys" I made a hand gesture " Is our new friends" 

"Um... hey, the names deidara un" both Uchiha's nodded. I guess they want me to introduce them.

"the older one name is Itachi and the younger one with the duck butt hair is Sasuke"



I look over to Nii-san and he was looking at he same direction as Itachi-kun.

"Un~ Since we're older We'll leave you and sasuke to go have fun!" He started " Itachi would you like to play video games In my room?"  Itachi nodded without hesitating. what's up with him. 

"I guess it's just you and me dobe"

"I guess so...want to play a game?" Sasuke smirked  and looked at me.

"Depends on what type of game you wanna play" 

"Maybe we C-can ask each other questions, So we can know each other better" I said, while fiddling with my two index fingers.

"Hn, sure."


No PoV

Sasuke and Naruto sat across from one another, beginning to start their little game. As time went by they've learnt Each other's likes and dislikes. Yes, it was some debating but no awkwardness filled the air. It already seemed like they were best friends from the get go.

The sunny skies had turned to a beautiful Dark-Blue One. Neither of them notice Until they were interrupted.

"Sasuke, it's time to say bye-bye with Naruto" Mikoto voice echoed to the back-yard. Sasuke groaned in disappointment, he didn't want to leave his new friend. Naru could read his face expression, also not liking 'goodbyes' so he had an idea.

"promise me this" Said, while leaving out is pinky " that we stick together, okay?" Finished with A genuine smile.

A tint of blush appeared on Sasuke cheek, closing the promise by wrapping his pinky around the other.


"See you soon, Sasuke-Teme"

"Yeah, See you soon Dobe"

I'm still testing the water's on this story, So further apologies that It's short. The story will get longer in the near future, thank you!

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