Chapter 5

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Naruto Pv
I couldn't get this out of my head, all this information... why didn't they tell me sooner I could've had handle it! But what the hell am I suppose to tell sasuke;
'Hey, I can get pregnant lets make babies?' No.... just..No. Growling in frustration, I kicked the nearest rock in anger. 'Stupid rock'
I mind as well tell him 'everything' Well here's goes nothing. Breathe. I rang the doorbell and waited for a few until Mikoto answered the door.
"Ah, Naru-chan's here~" she engulfed me into a bear hug.
"Mi..koto... you're.... choking-"

"Mom! Let the dobe breathe" sasuke butted in, while mikoto was observing me.
"My, my Naru chan your hair gotten longer."
Yeah my blonde hair reaches down to my butt, usually keep it in a pony tail, but I forgot to bring one.
"Just a few centimeters, that's all" I said with a slight chuckle. I felt someone grab my wrist giving me a look that said 'let's-go' I nodded. I waved to mikoto and fled upstairs.

Sasuke room has midnight blue walls, with a grey rug. He had the simple room with some of his style mixed with it, I helped him of course. And my signature is on his wall right along with his.
I turned my head and he was already laying on his bed, scrolling on his phone. Jumping on the bed, laying my head on his stomach.

"Whenever you're ready to start naru..." sasuke said, in the most gentle tone.

"Sasu, are you sure you want to? You might dislike me..." I was quite. I'm not even sure he heard those last words that escaped my mouth.
Fingers ran through my hair, it feels nice. See. When we're alone, we're closer. We just 'click' to it like our everyday routine without even noticing.
"I can never dislike you naru, believe me on that"
"O-okay, then I'll start by saying this..." I've started Explaining about the family's curse and what's happening/going on between deidara and I. Sasuke simply listened about the whole situation.

"It's O-okay if you don't want to talk to me any more, I might be a freak to you" my voice was wary and I began to cry, running to his bathroom and shut the door lock.
Sasuke Pv
I know he's not joking I can hear the seriousness in his voice, plus he said if I thought he was then ask itachi. It breaks my heart to see him like this. I knock on my bathroom door

"Go away"

"Naru. Can you please open up the door?" I said, while leaning against the wall.
"You're gonna think of me differently now because you know!!"

" Naruto. That's not true, I'm not gonna treat you any different because you've told me this... I love you to much so don't act like that!" I covered my mouth, shit I'd slipped my confession in there. The door was cracked open, seeing Naruto dry streaks of tears on his lovely rosey cheeks, and his beautiful eyes looking right into my dark onyx eyes, little puffy from crying but still beautiful.

"Sasuke repeat what you've said?" There's no going back now. Hn..?

"I said, that I love you" I paused " I know you may not like me back but-"
"I love you too Sasuke, I always have and I always will."
That saved me from a heart ache, wrapping my arms around his waist
"So let's do this the right way" I wiped away his tears.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" He nodding and stood on his tipi toes to kiss me passionately.

I make sure I'll be with you every step of the way.
Laying here with the one I can actually call mines. I started to chuckle, Naruto looked at me weird but he shrugged his shoulders.
"When did you start falling in love with me?" Naruto asked
"well, ever since we were little. We've always spent time together dobe and during those times I couldn't help but fall for you" I smirked
"You and that smirk sasu. It's really the same way for me also, I thought around that time, you were interested in girls I stand corrected" giggles filled the air.
Placing our hands together, mines are bigger than his Small slender fingertips. I'm also taller than him with my height of 5'11, so him jumping on my back for piggy backs were also a thing.

"Should we tell our family that we're together, or shall they find out on their own?"

"Hn. Doesn't matter to me we can just kiss in front of them to make them surprised . I'd like to see that" I said while naruto laughs.

Out of nowhere Naruto climbed on top of me, sitting on my lap while his heads on my chest.
"You're comfy like a teddy bear" he mumbled.

"Oh really now?"

"Mhum" naru words are slurred, probably falling asleep. I started to play with his hair again, as he breaths evened out I knew he was sleep. I mind as well take one too, slowly dosing off.
Mikoto Pv
My timer went off, I guess dinner is ready once I get the food out of the oven. I called Itachi, and kushina to invite them for dinner. I went upstairs to check on sasuke and naru, I know they're almost grown but it doesn't hurt for a while to check. I knocked lightly on the door
"It's mom, I'm opening up"
I opened the door, and I couldn't believe my two eyes. Fangirling like a mad women. I wanted to squeal, but I didn't want to wake up the two lovebirds. Don't get me wrong they always sleep next to each other , but a motherly sense I know what's going on. Just like itachi and deidara.I took out my phone and snapped pictures, just like other photos I have of those two. I already know the background story of the family kushina and I have are girly talks, so everything find about having grandchildren.
'I have to call some one ~'

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